I had a pilot friend who loss his medical do to heart problems, yet he was able 
to drive a school bus with 60 kids on his route. Go figure!!


--- On Mon, 7/5/10, ercou...@juno.com <ercou...@juno.com> wrote:

From: ercou...@juno.com <ercou...@juno.com>
Subject: [ercoupe-flyin] Re: [ercoupe-tech] Re: Pilot Medicals "Fate is the 
To: ercoupe-flyin@yahoogroups.com
Date: Monday, July 5, 2010, 3:06 PM


 It hardly matters whether one has a medical or not as to when they might fly 
with some medical problem.  Folks do it all the time.  FAA relies on the pilot 
to ground him/herself when they are not medically fit to fly.  An acquaintence 
here has a high blood pressure problem and would fail a medical if he took 
one.  He is asking friends with high blood pressure to give him pills to lower 
his blood pressure till his is low enough to pass a medical.  The idiocy of FAA 
regarding 3rd class medicals causes pilots not to mention any medication they 
might be taking as it will flag them, the medical will be denied and after 3-6 
months FAA might award the medical because the medicine has no adverse effect 
on one's ability to safely fly.  However, it does give a position for another 
burecrat and control over pilots..  In the end it comes down to the individual 
to not fly if it is not safe.
In my last medical, I listed I was taking eye drops, the nurse wrote down that 
I had glaucoma.  The dr. denied my medical and forwarded it on to Okla City.  
Even with a letter from my optometrist specifically stating that I did not have 
glaucoma, that the drops were simply a preventive measure FAA delayed giving me 
the medical and required me to retest every 6 months.  I went to an 
Opthomologist who did extensive tests and sent a letter to FAA stating I did 
not have glacoma.  Faa has now removed all restrictions from my medical.  I 
recognize that it is FAA's duty to attempt to ensure that pilots are medically 
safe to fly, however it is almost impossible to do so and their efforts are 
making life miserable for many healthy folks.

The only cure for stupidity is death. 

Lee Browning


I have found this is pretty common, I have a number of old friends that have 
not had a BFR or a medical for years and years! I notice when reading the NTSB 
accident reports, fairly often the crashee is like maybe 10 years past due on 
his medical.

--- In ercoupe-tech@ yahoogroups. com, ebengui...@. .. wrote:
> Dan too,
> Someone out there mentioned that they didn't think a medical
> was necessary for a Private Pilot Licensee. 
> They did not refer to the Sport Pilot License which I have reservations 
> about regarding the medical condition of the pilot. Medical Requirements. 
> Generally, sport pilots are allowed to use their state driver's license to 
> establish medical fitness. What if they have a medical condition that 
> actually is 
> dangerous to all concerned. You know what I mean! Those who just do the 
> wrong thing and get away with it until something happens. "Fate is The Hunter"
> Fast story: My Pilot friends wife asked me to inform GADO that her 
> husband was still flying his twin Beech with their two boys 10 and 13. He had 
> a 
> heart condition and medically had to stop flying as PIC. He figured he was 
> "JUST FINE" She informed them herself.
> "They all now live happily for ever after." 
> Prof. Ed.

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