
September 19, 2003
Low-Calorie-Diet Study Takes Scientists Aback
Scientists know that very strict low-calorie diets can prolong life. But
now they report that it does not matter when you start that diet -- at
least if you are a fruit fly. The life-prolonging effect kicks in
immediately, continues as long as the diet, and is lost as soon as the
dieting stops.

"We were very surprised, completely taken aback," said Dr. Linda
Partridge, a professor at University College London, whose laboratory
made the discovery.

For now, no one has a clue about what the crucial changes are in a fly's
body when it goes on or off a diet. "It's been assumed that the reason
things live longer when they diet is that there is a slowing down of
age-related damage," Dr. Partridge said. But, she added, it now appears
that cannot be true. "The system has no memory."

In a detailed demographic analysis of life and death among 7,492 fruit
flies, published today in Science magazine, Dr. Partridge and her
colleagues discovered that the protective effect of dieting snaps into
place within 48 hours, whether the diet starts early in life or late.
Flies that dieted for the first time in middle age were the same as
flies that had been dieting their whole lives. But the effect can be
lost just as quickly. Flies that dieted their entire lives and then
switched, as adults, to eating their fill were the same two days later
as flies that had never dieted.

Dr. Huber Warner, who directs the biology of aging program at the
National Institute on Aging, said that it was as if dieting flies "put
on a suit of armor."

"It seems like the dietary restriction puts the flies into a different
kind of state where they are temporarily able to resist damaging events
so that they survive rather than die," Dr. Warner said.

Dr. James W. Vaupel, a demographer at the Max Planck Institute for
Demography in Rostock, Germany, said the findings put decades of
research on the effects of calorie restriction in a new light. "We've
known for a long time that dietary restriction increases survival," Dr.
Vaupel said. "What we haven't known is that it's never too late."

It is a finding, he explained, that required huge numbers of flies to
give the researchers valid data on death rates per day. That, in turn,
allowed them to discover when the diet effect emerged.

Other studies, with flies, mice and rats, looked at survival curves, the
chance that an individual will survive from birth to a particular age.

"You can see if an intervention is affecting survival over a period of
time but not whether it is affecting mortality that day," Dr. Vaupel
said. "You can't see whether there is a memory of all the bad things
you've done in the past."

But, researchers said, previous studies are at least consistent with the
new discovery. Rats and mice, for example, live about 30 percent longer
when their diets are restricted and the dietary restriction can start in
infancy or in middle age. They also found that if rodents are kept on
restricted diets until middle age and then switched to eating what they
want, they lose the life-prolonging effect of dieting.

It would take a study with as many as 500 rodents to see if dietary
restriction has the same immediate effect in mammals as it did in fruit
flies, Dr. Partridge said. But, at least in flies, she can now start
asking what is happening to give the insects a suit of armor against
whatever it is that might have killed them. Or, she said, "the more
interesting question is, What is killing them when they eat too much?"

In an editorial accompanying Dr. Partridge's paper, Dr. Vaupel, Dr.
James R. Carey, a biodemographer at the University of California at
Davis, and Dr. Kaare Christensen, a professor of genetic epidemiology at
the University of Southern Denmark, wrote that the message was that "for
most species, aging is so remarkably pliable that interventions do not
have to be lifelong."

"It's an encouraging message, even edifying," Dr. Vaupel said in a
telephone interview. Of course, he added, not every bit of damage to the
body can be erased.

"If you have a heart attack, permanent damage is done.," he said. "If
you've had a detached retina, your vision is never going to be the same.
But this doesn't mean there is nothing that can be done about old age.
Even though there are some things you can't do anything about, current
conditions are surprisingly important and more important than the legacy
of all the bad things that have happened to you."

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