Finally I managed to start a new node with "-sname":)
First of all you were right - I didn't need to call this:
ErlangCore.getBackendManager().createBackend(info, options, launch, null);

The problem with creating node with sname was in my method 
getLaunchConfiguration, which I copied from BackendManager. By the end of this 
method there is following code:
if (System.getProperty("erlide.internal.shortname", "false")
                                        .equals("true")) {
I don't know what is "erlide.internal.shortname", and instead of checking it I 
always set ErlLaunchAttributes.USE_LONG_NAME attribute to false.

----- "Vlad Dumitrescu" <vladd...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On Tue, Aug 24, 2010 at 13:13, Piotr Dorobisz
> <piotr.dorob...@erlang-solutions.com> wrote:
> > Hello,
> > I wrote method to create my own node (actually I did it very similar
> to BackendManager.getIdeBackend()). However, the problem is that this
> node is started with long name (-name parameter) instead of short one.
> It happens despite setting info.useLongName(false). What else can I
> do?
> > Btw, what's the way of saying that I want/don't want console? As I
> see you specify it in two places:
> > info.hasConsole(true), and using BackendOptions.NO_CONSOLE.
> Hi!
> Regarding the long vs short name, you're creating the backend the
> wrong way. When you call launchConfig.launch, this does all the work
> and then you try to create the backend again, manually, which calls
> launchConfig.launch again. In createIdeBackend, there's no
> launchConfig involved, you should do likewise.
> Regarding the console option, do it like in createIdeBackend and set
> only the options.
> The reason for these to be in two places are historical. It's good
> that you point out these issues, we're used to the way it is...
> regards,
> Vlad

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