At 07:11 PM 12/9/2002 -0800, you wrote:
On Mon, 2002-12-09 at 14:08, Randall Clague wrote:
> I generally avoid marketing, promotion, and advertising, preferring an
> "if you build it, they will come" approach.

I tried that approach once. Ended up without money. You can build the
best mousetrap the world has ever seen, if you don't tell everyone about
it and tell them why they want one, you'll never sell one.
Well, I tried that approach, and ended up with a big pile of money.

I get into this argument every once in a while. My experience so far is that if you do something Really Cool that is not easily replicated, people really do shove money in your face. Marketing and sales will certainly increase your yield, but if you really make something that delivers value and capabilities that just can't be had in the same space, you can do just fine while ignoring most traditional business wisdom. The key is that it has to be REALLY cool. 20% better from an unknown will be ignored unless heavily marketed.

Lots of people harrumph and say that Id Software can't be held up as an example for whatever reasons. Armadillo is my opportunity to lend more validity to my statements. Over the next two years, we will build it (several times!). I bet they will come.

Actually, I am already turning away business deals and investment money, because we are busy following a working plan.

John Carmack

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