On Wed, 28 May 2003 20:49:49 -0700, "Ken Doyle" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>  Wings don't work the way you describe.  A 2g pull up is not available at
>rotation V.

Gah - yes, I was updating different parts of my mental model at
different times.  Duh.  You'd have to wait until you -could- pull 2 g
at rotation, and there are good reasons not to wait that long,
including the blown tire you mention.

>  BTW, the F-22 is described as having "35,000 lb thrust class engines" (2
>of 'em), and in the X-Plane simulation I referenced one can indeed climb
>straight up from takeoff even at the 64,000 lb gross weight...It's a rather hot
>airplane.  :-)

No kidding!

>  Given some dimensions and realistic weights and tankage and engine
>numbers, (and a little free time), I'd be happy to build an X-Plane vehicle
>of the Xerus or whatever HTHL design you like to simulate with.  Better yet,
>you guys make the model and we'll see how it flies in the simulator.

Nice try.  :-)  There's actually a lot here I can't respond to, hence
the large snips...

>I like the idea of using
>rocket-powered Vertical landing as the precision soft-landing endgame of a
>parachute landing.

Me too.  You have to cut away after landing, but it gives you a nice
survivable engine out landing.


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