On Tue, 10 Jun 2003 02:29:04 +0100, Ian Woollard

>>That's not your cargo; it's merely in your trust.
>Hey, I bought it; it's mine. What are you, a communist ;-)
>>  If you violate that
>>trust, you're going to have a hell of a time getting it back again.
>I swear you come around to /my/ mailbox all hoity-toity telling me what 
>I can and can not do with me own bloomin' cargo on my own currently 
>imaginary launcher! The cheek of some people! <looks askance at the sky> ;-)

Um...  I was assuming you were a launch service provider selling rides
to people for their boxes of rocks and bags of dust.  And maybe a
satellite or two.  In said scenario, you're just a glorified truck
driver, and it behooves you not to crash the truck.

Now if it *is* your cargo, and your vehicle, hey, go for it.  Just
don't ask *me* to share your insurance pool.  :-)


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