On Mon, 23 Jun 2003 21:00:30 -0500, John Carmack

>I just looked at the web page, and AFAIK, Starchaser has NOT flown a manned 
>flight.  DaVinci doesn't do any engine testing in Mojave, that would be 
>Microcosm (whose engines DaVinci plans on using).  Our "limousine sized" 
>rocket hasn't flown yet, and it can only be called VTVL in the most 
>charitable sense. :-)

I was trying to make everyone look good.  :-)

>Has anyone done the calculations for the dV required to travel 3,000 km?

Yep.  You need to leave 100 km altitude at a 38* angle, going 4826
m/sec.  Gravity and drag losses will take the total somewhere north of
6000 m/sec, then add landing fuel if you're doing a VTVL.


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