On Fri, 12 Sep 2003 18:44:08 -0400 (EDT), Henry Spencer

>> Made 
>> even more so when one considers that "documentation" is required these days 
>> in order that the right hand knoweth what the left hand doth...
>The "documentation" is mostly part of the problem, not part of the
>solution.  Its presence, in overwhelming profusion, should lead you to
>expect more of this, not less. 

We were talking about this at work today.  One person expressed the
opinion that it's human nature not to check something you know was
fine last week.  I got my back up: "That's WHY you FOLLOW the
CHECKLIST."  There's just no excuse for not taking the few minutes to
do the bolt check, when failing to do so can cost the taxpayers nine
figures.  (I'm the checklist Nazi\\\\\\\\\\\\\\operations supervisor
at work, too.)

You don't follow the checklist so things will go right.  You follow
the checklist so things won't go wrong.  Everyone involved here should
be put in stocks in the village square and publicly taunted.


Son: Dad, I have a question about women.  Suppose I
Dagwood: Apologize anyway.
Son: Yeah, that's about what I figured
Dagwood: It saves time
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