Michael Wallis wrote:

Hi ...

President Bush made a speach today at NASA HQ in Washington. The text
of that speach is available here:


I presume others noticed, as I did, a significant gap (announced to be four years, but that's if everything goes according to plan) between the 2010 retirement of the Space Shuttle fleet, and the entry to service of the CEV. I wonder if that means the Space Station will be serviced only by the (then) forty-plus year old Soyuz design vehicles during that (minimum) four year hiatus? Or will it be abandoned in place as soon as it's completed? Or does the President expect Russia to develop a new vehicle and have it ready for service in six years?

I may be a scwewy wabbit, but I'm not going to Alcatwaz!
                                                    -- E. J. Fudd, 1954

Donald Qualls, aka The Silent Observer
Lathe Building Pages  http://silent1.home.netcom.com/HomebuiltLathe.htm
Speedway 7x12 Lathe Pages     http://silent1.home.netcom.com/my7x12.htm

Opinions expressed are my own -- take them for what they're worth
and don't expect them to be perfect.

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