Sean R. Lynch wrote:

Oops, I've realized the error in my ways in using that Java applet.

I used NASA's accurate ephemeris generator instead and looked for local minima less than 0.2 AU between 1959 and 2004, and here's what popped out:

Date              Range (AU)
1964-Oct-21 0.1951679125                           (Ranger 7)
1965-Feb-16 0.1257446466                          (Ranger 9)
1972-Dec-29 0.0871449693                          (Pioneer 10)
1980-Dec-18 0.0668657295
1982-Apr-11 0.185725114                            (Venera 13)
1990-Apr-15 0.0300532941                          (Galileo)
1998-Apr-15 0.0249093031                          (Lunar Prospector)
2004-Dec-21 0.0964277899

I should mention that on none of these approaches does 3sigma put it inside the moon's orbit, so the likelihood that it could be a human spacecraft seems pretty small.

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