----- Forwarded message from [EMAIL PROTECTED] -----
> Subject: latest SA'05 conference info, with detailed agenda
> Date: Fri, 22 Apr 2005 15:07:58 -0700
>                  Latest Info on Our Upcoming Conference, 
>              Space Access '05, April 28-30, Phoenix Arizona
> Space Access '05 gets underway in less than a week - if you haven't 
> already made your travel arrangements, do it now!  Rooms are still 
> available at our hotel, but cheap airfares are going away fast. 
> Quick notes:
>  - We've negotiated an extension on our $79 conference hotel room 
> rate, but it's only available if you call our hotel (Four Points by 
> Sheraton Phoenix Metrocenter, 602 997-5900, mention "space access") 
> between 8 am and 4 pm weekdays Mountain Standard Time (EDT-3) since 
> outside those hours calls automatically get switched to the Sheraton 
> national reservations center, which no longer has our rate listed.
>  - If you still have any difficulty booking a room at our rate for SA'05, 
> drop us a note at [EMAIL PROTECTED] ASAP.  Thanks!
>  - Preregistrations must arrive at our mailbox by Wednesday April 27th 
> at the latest.
>  - We will have use of a credit card machine this year, at the 
> conference only - a local science fiction convention organization is 
> loaning us the use of their account.  As long as you don't have a 
> problem with a charge from "Leprecon Inc" showing up on your account, 
> you can register at-the-door for Space Access via credit card.  We will 
> also (as always) accept personal checks or cash.
>  - The forecast for our dates is clear and sunny, highs around eighty, 
> overnight lows in the sixties.  Bring sunblock if you plan to hang out 
> by the pool or walk around a lot during the day!
> Semi-Final Conference Agenda
> (Subject to change - if we've scheduled you at an impossible time, 
> contact us ASAP and we'll figure out a way to fix it.)
> Thursday, April 28th
> noonish, depending on how setup goes:
>  - Space Access '05 Hospitality opens, Suite 317 (just off the hotel lobby 
> elevators, two floors up)
>  - Registration opens, in the "library" (between the hotel lobby and the 
> Mesquite Room where our sessions will be) 
> (Note - that overworked A/V tech in t-shirt and jeans doing setup 
> Thursday is NOT the Executive Director; leave him alone to get his job 
> done.  The Executive Director is the one who'll show up a bit later 
> dressed respectably; he'll be glad to chat.)
>  2 pm - brief welcome, Henry Vanderbilt, Executive Director of SAS 
>  2:05 - Henry Spencer, "Sustainable Spaceflight Beyond LEO"
>  3:15 - Wes Kelly, Triton Systems
>  3:45 - break
>  4:15 - George Herbert, Venturer Aerospace, "Manned Capsules For Earth 
>         Orbit and Beyond"
>  4:55 - Lt. Cole Doupe, AFRL, with DARPA/Air Force FALCON Small Launcher 
>         and ARES Reusable Rocket Stage Demonstrator briefings 
>  5:40 - Steve Harrington, Flometrics, with a pistonless pump demo
>  6 pm - break for dinner
>  8 pm - Registration closes
>  8 pm - Jordin Kare, on "Laser Launch: It's Steamship Time"
>  8:50 - Gerry Nordley, Tethers Unlimited
>  9:20 - Parker E C Bradley, Heron Aerospace, "Cannon Assisted Rocket 
>         Launches: Opening A New Commercial Frontier"
>  9:50 - Henry Cate, "Bootstrapping LEO Tethers"
> 10:10 - Vincent Cate, "Regolith Return Tether"
> 10:30 - end of Thursday sessions
>  late - Hospitality closes
> Friday, April 29th
>  8 am - Registration and Hospitality open
>  9 am - Tim Hughes, majority counsel to the House Science Committee, 
>         on the intent behind various sections of the recent Space Launch 
>         Amendments Act 
>  9:40 - George Nield, Deputy Associate Administrator for Commercial 
>         Space Transportation, FAA AST
> 10:20 - break
> 10:50 - Michelle Murray, FAA AST, on the mechanics of the rulemaking 
>         process whereby new law becomes detailed regulations
> 11:30 - panel discussion - Various Regulatees discuss what they're 
>         looking for from the current rulemaking process begun by the 
>         recent Space Launch Amendments Act 
> 12:20 - break for lunch 
>  2 pm - Eric Anderson, Space Adventures
>  2:40 - XCOR Aerospace
>  3:30 - break
>  4 pm - Jim Muncy, PoliSpace
>  4:40 - Pat Bahn, TGV Rockets
>  5:10 - panel: Questions To Ask Before You Wire The Money: A Space 
>         Startup Investor's Checklist.  Fleming, Olson, Pistritto, ?
>  6 pm - break for dinner
>  8 pm - Registration closes
>  8 pm - Brooke Owens, X-Prize/X-Prize Cup
>  8:40 - David Hoerr, author of "The Rocket Company"
>  9:10 - Charles Pooley, Microlaunchers
>  9:40 - panel: "When Physics, Economics, and Reality Collide - The 
>         Challenge of Cheap Orbital Access" - Jurist, Dinkin, Livingston
> 10:30 - end of Friday sessions
>  late - Hospitality closes
> Saturday, April 30th
>  8 am - Registration and Hospitality open
>  9 am - John Powell, JP Aerospace
>  9:50 - Len Cormier, PanAero LLC, "Space Van 2009"
> 10:20 - break
> 10:50 - Chuck Lauer, Rocketplane LLC
> 11:30 - Rick Tumlinson, Space Frontier Foundation
> 12:00 - Dave Masten, Masten Space
> 12:20 - break for lunch
>  2 pm - Registration closes
>  2 pm - John Carmack, Phil Eaton, Russ Blink, Armadillo Aerospace
>  2:50 - Mitchell Burnside Clapp, Pioneer Rocketplane Inc
>  3:30 - break
>  4 pm - Dennis Wingo, Orbital Recovery
>  4:40 - David Anderman, Constellation Services
>  5:20 - Tom Taylor, Lunar Transportation Systems
>  6 pm - break for dinner
>  8 pm - Dr. Jerry Pournelle
>  8:40 - panel: Cheap Access Politcs: Where To Next? Vanderbilt, 
>         Tumlinson, Case, Muncy, ?
>  9:30 - Wrapup session, with feedback from the floor.
> 10:30 - Space Access '05 sessions end
>  late - Hospitality closes - see you next time!
> You'll notice we run a single program track throughout, so you don't 
> have to miss a thing.  This does mean we need to make the schedule a bit 
> intensive.  Intensive, but also relaxed and informal - dress is casual, 
> speeches are kept to a minimum, and we don't do formal banquets.  All 
> meals are on-your-own, so you can get together with the people you want 
> to be talking to at one of the many good places to eat and drink, in the 
> hotel or within a few minutes walk.  Plus of course, there's our world-
> reknowned Space Access Hospitality suite, serving fine finger-food and a 
> variety of beverages (non-adult per agreement with the hotel, but you 
> can always bring something up from the hotel bar) open from 8 am till 
> the small hours of the morning for your relaxation and conversation.  
> Hotel:
> Our hotel is the Four Points by Sheraton Metrocenter, 10220 N Metro 
> Parkway East, Phoenix Arizona 85051, 602 997-5900 for reservations, 
> mention "Space Access" for our $79 conference room rate ($109 for cabana 
> suite), rate good for up to three days before and after our conference 
> dates of April 28th - 30th.  The Four Points is in Phoenix's 
> "Metrocenter" shopping complex, fourteen freeway miles from the Phoenix 
> airport (cab rates in Phoenix vary; it's $12 by blue "Super Shuttle" 
> airport van) with fifty bars and restaurants and two hundred stores 
> within walking distance.  Rooms have a work desk, coffee maker, etc, and 
> the hotel has wireless internet, a heated olympic-sized pool, spa, 
> fitness center, and free parking.  We're quite pleased to be bringing 
> you a newer hotel in a better location for the same rate as last year. 
> Directions: From the Phoenix airport, follow the signs for Interstate 10 
> West.  
>  - Once on I-10 West, look for exit 143 to I-17 North in a few miles.  
> (I-10 and I-17 connect twice in Phoenix - don't worry, either way you 
> find I-17, take it north.)  
>  - Once on I-17 North, take it to exit 207, Dunlap Road.  Turn left at 
> the top of the ramp (west) onto Dunlap.  (Ignore the Sheraton visible 
> just northeast of this intersection - it's the wrong one.)  
> - Stay right once on Dunlap; you'll be taking the first right (north) a 
> hundred yards or so up Dunlap, onto 29th Ave.  
>  - The first road you'll hit will be the loop road around the 
> Metrocenter Mall, Metro Parkway.  Turn right on Metro Parkway East, and 
> follow it about a half mile (1/3rd of the way around the loop) and the 
> Four Points Sheraton will be on your left. 
> Coming in from the west on I-10, take exit 143 to I-17 north then follow 
> the above directions from there.  
> Coming in from the north down I-17, take exit 208, Peoria Ave.  Turn 
> right onto Peoria, take your second left onto 28th Drive, take your 
> second left onto Metro Parkway East, and the Four Points will be a 
> couple hundred yards down on your right.
> Space Access '05 will once again be a mix of the usual suspects and some 
> interesting new additions, once again providing an intensive informal 
> snapshot of where this fast-moving new cheap space access industry has 
> gotten to as of spring 2005.  Be there! 
> Space Access '05 registration once again holds steady at $100 in advance, 
> $120 at the door, $10 off for SAS members.  $30 Student rate, no member 
> discount.  Day rates available at the door only.  One year's SAS 
> membership is $30, please include your email address for Updates.
> Mail checks (sorry, no credit cards for preregistration) to: 
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>       Space Access Society, 5515 N 7th St #5-348, Phoenix AZ 85014.
> Name _____________________________ email _______________________________ 
> Affiliation, if any (for badge) ________________________________________ 
> Address ________________________________________________________________ 
> SA'05 ______ SAS ($30) ______ Total Enclosed ______ 
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------

----- End forwarded message -----

Michael Wallis   KF6SPF       (408) 396-9037        [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Robert Heinlein: 
  "Progress is made by lazy men looking for easier ways to do things."
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