I suggest following grammar:

Lambda ::= '&' '(' Parameters ')' Block
 | '&' Block //if no parameters

I can comfire that this rule is no problem for a LALR(k) parser,
ES4 is not LALR(1) anyway. and I think ^ is not good for eyes, it
is too small and may confused with ~. & look more like C/C++ style

a = & { ... }

a = & (a,b) { ... }

> Yuh-Ruey Chen wrote:
>> Brendan Eich wrote:
>>> C# uses (a, b, c) => ... but in JS the comma operator makes that
>>> nasty to parse top-down. I think the only candidates have to be of
>>> the form
>>> ^(a, b, c) {...}
>>> (^ could be another character, but it seems to beat \ as others have
>>> noted), or else the Smalltalky
>>> { |a, b, c| ... }
>>> At this point we need a bake-off, or a convincing argument against
>>> the unusual vertical bar usage.
>> Here's a possible technical issue that might not apply to ES: Ruby
>> blocks params can't have default arguments according to
>> http://eigenclass.org/hiki.rb?Changes+in+Ruby+1.9#l9 :
>>     The new syntax allows to specify default values for block
>>     arguments, since
>>      {|a,b=1| ... }
>>     is said to be impossible with Ruby's current LALR(1) parser, built
>>     with bison.
> That Ruby 1.9 page also lists yet another possible syntax:
> ->(a, b, ...) {...}
> Using Maciej's examples:
> if_ (->{x < 3}, ->{
>    handleSmallNum(x);
> }, ->{
>    handleLargeNum(x);
> });
> while_ (->{x != null}, ->{
>   x.process();
>   x = x.next();
> });
> for_ (->{var i = 1}, ->{i < 10}, ->{i++}, ->{
>    total += vec[i];
> });
> forIn_ (obj, ->(prop) {
>    props.push(prop);
> });
> arr.sort(->(a, b) { a*a < b*b });
> arr.map(->(x) { x * (x-1)});
> function doubleBs(str) {
>    str.replace(/b*/, ->(substr) { substr + substr });
> }
> The control abstractions just don't look right, regardless of which
> lambda syntax we choose. I'd rather wait for a more powerful macro
> system, instead of choosing the syntax based off how it would look in
> control abstractions.

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