Thank you for useful links and explanations. Correct me if I am wrong but in the current form lambda is a facility that duplicates a function. More than that it reminds my old languages that had separate keywords for functions (our "lambda"?) and procedures (our "function"?).

Writing code I frequently need small functions (or lambdas). The smaller the code the better --- it allows to be concise and does not obscure the intent. That's why I prefer to use lambda's proposed by Oliver Steele (, which have a lot of problems being a pure JavaScript implementation. Writing a factorial using a linear recursion combinator with lambdas:

var fact1 = linrec("<= 1", "1", "[n - 1]", "m * n[0]");

is simple and more readable than the equivalent:

var fact2 = linrec(
  function(n){ return n <= 1; },
  function(){ return 1; },
  function(n){ return [n - 1]; },
  function(m, n){ return m * n[0]; });

I typed 200% more text, and the readability went down by the same 200% --- because I added 200% of the technical noise not relevant to the algorithm itself. Anything that improves on that is good in my book. Lambdas are good:

var fact3 = linrec(
  lambda(n) n <= 1,
  lambda() 1,
  lambda(n) [n - 1],
  lambda(m, n) m * n[0]);

Shortcuts for lambdas are better:

var fact4 = linrec(\(n) n <= 1, \() 1, \(n) [n - 1], \(m, n) m * n[0]);

I perceive them as less noisy.

The link you gave features long lambdas and I don't see what they buy vs. the regular functions. This is the example from that page:

lambda(i) {
  if (!isNumeric(i))
    // etc.
  else if (i < 0)
    // etc.
  else if (i < params.length)
  else {
    i -= params.length;
    if (i < rest.length)
     // etc.

Written as function it is not that long or less clear:

function(i) {
  if (!isNumeric(i))
    // etc.
  else if (i < 0)
    // etc.
  else if (i < params.length)
    return params[i][0]()
  else {
    i -= params.length;
    if (i < rest.length)
      return rest[i]
     // etc.

My point is we gain more by concentrating on small light-weight snippets than on one more way to code a big function.

So concentrating on small snippets:

1) Reducing "technicalities" and the boilerplate improves the clarity of the code.

1a) I don't mind if lambdas don't have their own "this", "arguments", or a scope --- from my experience they are rarely used in small snippets.

1b) I am all for skipping "return" --- it reduces the boilerplate for small snippets.

2) Named lambdas, and parameter defaults are of little value. Use functions if you truly need a named functionality. Otherwise assign it to a variable and pass around (rarely needed).

3) Losing the keyword "lambda" in favor of a small shortcut (e.g., \) will be of great value --- less noise, less boilerplate, less typing, less opportunities to mistype.

I suggest paring down "lambda" by shedding names, default parameters, and possibly the keyword "lambda" itself --- it reduces complexity, no chance for ambiguity, easier to implement, easier to use.



Brendan Eich wrote:
On Dec 4, 2008, at 5:44 PM, Eugene Lazutkin wrote:

If you started to recap the history of this discussion, could you (or
anybody else in the know) verbalize following things:

1) What is the difference between the function and the lambda? I am not
talking about their syntax, I want to understand the semantic
difference, if there is any.

Please read

2) Why is it important for a lambda to have an optional name?

It may not be.

wrong with using a function, if we want a name? IMHO lambda should have
the minimalistic syntax.

"Minimalistic" does not define itself. The question is what is the minimal syntax given various constraints.

Church's Lambdas take one argument only. One can curry by hand. Why isn't that the minimum minimum?

3) Why is it important to be able to specify parameter defaults in
lambda? Again, it looks like an extra sugar to me that can be covered by
a function with parameter defaults.


Also consider that default parameters are a convenience we want lambdas to have if we believe functions should be avoided for much lambda-coding by hand. The countervailing argument is that lambdas have unintended completion value hazards, but Schemers and others don't worry about these and would prefer not to have to run back to functions and lose Tennent's Correspondence Principle every time default parameters beckon.

The reason I ask is a lot of discussion is going around "but if it has a
name" and "but if it has a default". If it doesn't have a name I would
be satisfied personally with \(a, b) {...} --- it doesn't clash with
anything. Or even with \(a, b) expr.

You're right to question name to rescue \, but trying to minimize lambdas won't save all the proposed syntaxes. We're making progress in finding some to be in trouble, if not fatally flawed.

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