On Mar 12, 2009, at 12:49 PM, Garrett Smith wrote:

On Wed, Mar 11, 2009 at 9:57 AM, Brendan Eich <bren...@mozilla.com> wrote:
If you mean that overriding or shadowing by assignment makes an enumerable property, even for a method that should not be enumerated, then ES3.1's
Object.defineProperty allows binding a non-enumerable property.

But I still can't tell what your point is. It seems to be unrelated to my

The point is to get the terminology correct.

The term "override" is ambiguous here. It does not differentiate
"replace X value" with "shadow X in prototype chain".

Point taken, but you really were interjecting this distinction without a difference into a direct question from me to Tobie about where in the (updated before I read it, but after Tobie read it) developer.mozilla.org wiki-page Tobie had seen a warning about toSource being used internally.

Which made me wonder what your point was, other than pointing out a difference between shadowing and replacing that was not relevant. Yes, I know all about the distinction. Yes, I know assignment makes an enumerable property, this is considered harmful, etc. etc. I think everyone participating on es-discuss knows these things.

I don't take personal offense, but I do think this is a waste of everyone's time on the list. Can we move on now?

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