On May 17, 2009, at 6:39 PM, Neil Mix wrote:

On May 17, 2009, at 7:01 PM, Brendan Eich wrote:
The mandatory parentheses could be avoided by breaking from Python's precedent and making yield a canonical unary (that is, high-)precedence operator like delete, !, etc. But then almost any algebraic or logical expression computing the value to yield would need parentheses, and people would make mistakes such as yield a + b where they meant yield(a + b) -- as in Python -- but got yield(a) + b.

I'm going to make the argument that this is about where the parenthesis go -- not *if* -- but where.

Yes, this is the issue.

- we could always allow parenthesis to be dropped when the yield is the entire expression of an expression statement or the right-hand side of an assignment.

Right-hand side of assignment is ok without parens in Python because assignment is a statement.

In JS if you allow assignment expressions ending in unparenthesized yields, then you can have unparenthesized yields in argument and initialiser lists, comma expressions, and in the middle and final operand positions in ternary (?:) expressions.

- in my experience with JS 1.7 I almost always had to parenthesize the yield expression when it was in some other kind of expression. An in the cases where parenthesis weren't required, I parenthesized anyway to avoid ambiguity and maintain coding style consistency. (And because I got tired of predicting incorrectly whether or not parens would be required in a particular context.)

The only contexts we allow you not to parenthesize in JS1.7 are assignment expressions and final argument in list. But see above -- the assignment expression loophole is big enough to allow

foo(a = yield b, c);

One argument, or two?

Comma is low enough precedence that users (with or without Python exposure) don't view it as an operator.

So I would argue that there are two syntactical forms of yield, yield E and (yield E), and that the rules regarding the requirement for parenthesis are hard to predict (from personal experience). Therefore, I argue that it would make sense to simplify a bit: - the yield E form may be used when it is the entire expression of an expression statement
- all other times it must be parenthesized

Agreed; this closes the assignment expression loophole.

Which is *kind of* a way of saying, if you're ignoring the send value, you don't have to parenthesize. But if you use the send value, you must parenthesize.

And now that we've made clear the definition of parenthesized and non-parenthesized forms of yield, we can proceed to argue that yield(E) is a valid form of parenthesis, as much so as (yield E).

Nothing prevents you from writing yield(E) of course -- but you're arguing that foo(a = yield(b), c) should be enough, no extra parens required -- no foo(a = (yield(b)), c). Right?

Pros for yield(E):
- backward compatible

But for this to be true, we would need to use the direct-eval detection hack I mentioned previously.

- easier to read (to my eye)
- it "feels" more correct to me in context of the when-using-send- value rule

These are subjective enough there's no point in arguing. I hear ya.

Pros for (yield E):
- consistent with python
- doesn't present any is-it-a-function? ambiguities

These are more objective (no look & feel ;-). There is a borrowing from Python. There isn't a function call going on.

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