On May 19, 2009, at 2:00 PM, David-Sarah Hopwood wrote:

*If* it is allowed, then it should be two. It would be very surprising if

 foo(a = b, c);

had two arguments (as it does), but the above expression with yield
had one.

But I agree that it may be better not to allow it.

Good; it was a loophole in JS1.7 and up, which I think should be closed.

Agreed; this closes the assignment expression loophole.

This would disallow

 foo(yield x);

which seems unnecessary.

I thought so too, but Python keeps its grammar simple this way, and simpler is better, ceteris paribus. JS1.7 allows this but also suffers the assignment loophole. Getting rid of the latter but not the former is grammar-hacking busy work. I haven't done it in the WebKit/ JavaScriptCore/parser/Grammar.y.


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