2010/2/2 David Herman <dher...@mozilla.com>

> Hi Vassily, thanks for the feedback.
> > It should be
> >
> > <script type="harmony">
> >
> > // import everything as Math
> > import "Math";
> >
> > alert("2π = " + Math.sum(Math.pi, Math.pi));
> >
> > </script>
> This is already possible with the `import "Math" as Math' form (which
> incidentally can easily be compiled to be exactly as efficient). Leaving the
> "as Math" part implicit doesn't work if the module specifier is not
> syntactically an identifier:
>    import "@#$!";
>    @#$!.mumble("grunch")
> > We already have "with" for polluting local namespace,
> > and short syntax for such polluting doesn't feel right.
> That's an inappropriate comparison, for two critical reasons. First: `with'
> *dynamically* changes the environment, so it destroys lexical scope, whereas
> when you import everything from a second-class module, it is still possible
> to know statically what bindings are in scope. Second: there's no
> contention, since it's a static error to import two modules that bind the
> same name. So conflicts are ruled out, and there's no ambiguity in a valid
> program.

If one module can extend its API and break code that depends on it, how does
this proposal solve the namespacing problem?

> Now, I recognize that some people feel that stylistically the "import
> everything" approach is bad /style/, and that programmers ought to list all
> their imports explicitly. But at the same time, this is still a scripting
> language, and it has to be convenient. There's a difference between
> advocating a style and forcing it. And if it imposes too heavy a burden you
> get nasty unintended consequences (e.g., nobody uses modules at all).
> > Some longer syntax would be better, e.g.
> >
> > <script type="harmony">
> >
> > // import everything
> > import "Math" as this;
> >
> > alert("2π = " + sum(pi, pi));
> >
> > </script>
> That would only work with at most one module.
> Dave
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