On Tue, Feb 2, 2010 at 5:03 PM, Kris Kowal <kris.ko...@cixar.com> wrote:

> Presuming that in the proverbial glossary a "Context" is what ES
> presently calls an execution context that has some intrinsic
> "Primordials", and a "Sandbox" is a mapping from unique module
> identifiers to modules (albeit instances or makers depending on what
> proposal you're talking about), does this proposal suggest that there
> is exactly one "Context" for every "Sandbox" and that any "module
> block statement" evaluated in a context populates the corresponding
> sandbox with a mapping from the given module identifier to the first
> class exports object of that module?
> Having just reread the docs carefully, I did not take them to imply that.
Rather, there's a TBD issue for how to create new module resolvers and by
implication, create new module loaders (i.e., sandboxes in the stateful
non-SES usage) using that resolver. Thus, once this TBD is decided, I would
expect one can have multiple resolvers and loaders/sandboxes per Context.

> Kris Kowal
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