The proposals, including from Tom and Mark, don't steer away from const f() {} and other new syntax (destructuring).

Harmony has new syntax, this is not an open issue. As we've discussed over the years, the language's users deserve new syntax, particularly for early error reporting. Implementors also benefit.

One answer for the installed base problem is for the server to detect downrev browsers and send them content translated automatically to target ES3, even ES3 with workarounds (e.g. for IE's named function expression binding pollution bug).

The other extreme is to hold off on using the new syntax for five years, give or take. This can be a problem, but it's easy to exaggerate it, and to use past monopoly behavior to predict outcomes in a non-monopoly future.

An example: IE4 had regexps close enough to match Netscape 4.x, but IE4 lacked not try/catch/finally, so regexps were usable sooner cross- browser, but try/catch/finally was not usable till more recently.

This example in full, regexps and try/catch/finally, shows how the situation depends on how fast browser vendors (a) implement new features; (b) upgrade their installed bases -- (b) is critical not only for developers, but primarily to protect users by fixing old security bugs.

Content authors will have to decide among the several solutions. The JS community should and no doubt will make translation tools available (even in-browser translators, where feasible).

But we will not freeze syntax.


On Feb 19, 2010, at 7:29 AM, Kam Kasravi wrote:

Hi Brendan

Picking up where Tom left off below... I've wondered how you and the ECMAScript body prefer to have particular concepts presented. Given that the lag time between new syntax and conformance across vendors could be months, years or never, it seems that there is always a need to provide a 'shim' or implementation that emulates proposed syntax. I think many concepts including Tom and Mark's steer away from new syntax due to the problems noted. In general should there be due diligence on both? I realize this may vary per strawperson but thought you may have a general philosophy to share.


From: Tom Van Cutsem <>
To: Brendan Eich <>
Cc: Mark S. Miller <>; es-discuss Steen < >
Sent: Thu, February 18, 2010 11:09:18 AM
Subject: Re: Traits library

Put together the user and implementor taxes, and you have sufficient cause for new syntax.

Add to this tax revolt the plain desire for better syntax-as-user- interface. If you want const f(){}, why //wouldn't// you want declarative trait syntax?

Hi Brendan,

Thanks for enlightening us with the implementation-level issues involved in getting user-land traits optimized. That definitely puts things in perspective. I wholeheartedly agree that dedicated syntax would be of great help to users, and to implementors as a not-to-be- underestimated bonus.

I am not at all opposed to dedicated syntax/semantics for traits in ES-harmony. Think of traits.js more as an exercise in exploring the design space of what is possible today. For example, the fact that ES5's property descriptor maps turned out to be directly usable as traits was a surprising new insight to me.

I think the most useful outcome of this experiment is that it gives us a better idea of what the fundamental limits of a library approach are. For example: that syntax for traits is (mostly) not a boilerplate issue but a semantic issue (early error feedback) + an implementation issue (method sharing).

And who knows, if there is an uptake of this library in ES5, it would help familiarize programmers with traits without them having to wait for dedicated syntax. But I am aware that this is very optimistic: many have previously designed good class, mixin and even trait libraries for ES3, and to the best of my knowledge, none of these seem to have widely caught on.


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