Do the various server-side implementations count for example ejsscript which 
incorporated many features of es4?
Or is the list specific to translation engines that take some ecmascript 
derivative and produce harmony or es5?
Given what I've seen in translators to javascript from language 'X', the list 
could be pages.

From: Brendan Eich <>
To: es-discuss Steen <>
Sent: Fri, February 19, 2010 9:40:22 AM
Subject: Re: Traits library

On Feb 19, 2010, at 9:28 AM, Brendan Eich wrote:

> Content authors will have to decide among the several solutions. The JS 
> community should and no doubt will make translation tools available (even 
> in-browser translators, where feasible).

To make a more useful followup to my own message, I should note that the JS 
community already has made various translators available, notably

* OpenLaszlo
* 280N's Objective-J
* Aza's pyscript 
* Neil Mix's Narrative JS
* Alex Fritze's Stratified JS

Some of these adhere to likely Harmony syntax more than others ;-).

I'm sure I'm forgetting others. Anyone have a comprehensive list with links?

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