> Coalescing requests (for some value of request) could be pushed down a layer, 
> not specified as part of the ECMA-262 language. This serves the decoupling 
> requirement. Is it enough? A while ago Allen wrote about separating 
> "configuration management":
> https://mail.mozilla.org/pipermail/es-discuss/2010-January/010686.html
> Part of this was about version selection, but part of it was about "assembly" 
> structuring. It seems worth working through this, both with a real 
> implementation of simple modules, and with some thought experiments.

Yes, certainly. To some extent the module declaration syntax provides you 
enough to do this already:

    <!-- my configuration table -->
    <script type="harmony">
        module M1 = "m1.js";
        module M2 = "m2.js";

But it might be nice to crystallize this in a restricted special form so 
browsers can reliably prefetch:

    <script type="harmony">
        module table {
            M1: "m1.js",
            M2: "m2.js",
            // ...


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