> I'd just like to express my enthusiasm for taking a formal approach to the 
> kernel language. For everything outside the kernel, defining it by 
> self-hosting, by a meta-circular interpreter (where the interpreter is 
> written only in the kernel subset of the language) or by desugaring is fine. 
> These other techniques may or may not be ideal for expressing the semantics 
> of these non-kernel constructs, but it does ensure that an adversary's code 
> cannot take any action beyond those actions allowed by the kernel language.

It's important to distinguish whether this is a valuable exercise for:

1) research;
2) groups focused on security; or
3) the language standard.

(I know security is not a separable concern. But it is also not the exclusive 
concern of language design.)

I am thrilled that researchers are working on formal models of ES. But it's not 
within the purview of TC39 to do research. And there's nothing wrong with an 
unofficial, non-normative formalization of a normative spec coming out of an 
entirely different group. It could be just as useful-- and would undoubtedly be 
of higher quality-- than one we tried to do in the standard.

> All security reasoning is reasoning about limits on what an adversary may do. 
> Thus, all security arguments rest on an induction over all the actions 
> available to the adversary.

This statement's pretty muddled. Your "thus" does not follow (there are more 
proof techniques on heaven and earth, Horatio...) and your induction is not 
defined. But I see that Sergio, John, and Ankur have some papers with formal 
definitions-- I look forward to reading them. Thanks for the links.


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