Hi Mike, sorry I overlooked this message.

>  | This allows cyclic dependencies between any two modules 
>  | in a single scope
> 1) Is this to say that cycles are allowed, or not allowed, in 
> other scenarios? (f ex remote or filesystem-loaded modules)

It's an automatic consequence of lexical scope. It's no different from 
functions. If you write:

    function f() {
        function even(n) { ... odd(n-1) ... }
        function g() {
            function odd(n) { ... even(n-1) ... }

you get a scope error, because |even| refers to |odd| which is not in scope. 
But if you put them both at the same level of scope, they can refer to each 
other. Same deal with modules.

Since MRL's and module names are distinct, there's no problem letting remote 
modules refer to one another, they just have to do so through agreed-upon 
names. For example:

    module Even = "http://zombo.com/even.js";;
    module Odd = "http://realultimatepower.net/odd.js";;

By binding them both at the same level of scope, both even.js and odd.js can 
refer to Even and Odd.

> 2) Am I understanding this correctly as the module loader
> fetching and registering Lexer.js "on demand" if not already
> present in its registry mapping?

The offline-JS examples are mostly just suggestive; this question is left to 
the (host-dependent) module loader to determine. Some offline-JS engines might 
prefer to have a module loader that can register top-level names implicitly. It 
might also want to load these modules on demand (which is somewhat orthogonal), 
but this would likely only be desirable behavior for built-in libraries that 
have no observable side effects. (Laziness with side-effects is pain.)

But all of this would require some host-dependent, built-in support; there's 
nothing in the spec per se that provides this functionality.

> 3) Is Lexer.js required to contain exactly one module
> declaration that must match the filename, or otherwise an
> exception is thrown?

The short answer is no: the contents are the body of the module.

The long answer is that it depends on the module loader. Module loaders have 
hooks that can arbitrarily transform the contents of a module. So a module 
loader can decide on whatever format it wants.

Note that when you say "an exception is thrown," this is a compile/load-time 
exception. IOW, in the code being loaded, there's no observable exception. But 
of course, with dynamic loading, one program's compile-time error is another 
program's run-time error. :)

> 4) Would this on demand loading functionality be present 
> also on the web platform?

No. We avoided lazy loading in the semantics, because it'd be a hornets' nest 
on the web. Modules are eagerly evaluated in deterministic, top-to-bottom 
order. As I say above, offline-JS has different needs than web-JS, so in that 
context a JS engine may wish to provide a built-in custom module loader that 
can deal with the filesystem in more clever ways.

As I replied to Kam Kasravi earlier in this thread, on-demand loading is 
achievable via explicit dynamic loading. We tried to be non-clever about doing 
this stuff behind programmers' backs.

> 5) If so, would then the uses in main1 and main2 be equivalent
> wrt binding MyLib names in the example below?
>  // lib/MyLib.js
>  module MyLib { export doStuff() ... }
>  // main1.js
>  import lib.MyLib.*;
>  doStuff();
>  // main2.js
>  module wrapper = load "lib/MyLib.js";
>  import wrapper.MyLib.*;
>  doStuff();

No. There'd be no implicit loading on the web.

> 6) If I want to change the previous example to instead expose 
> MyLib's names inside a MyLib module name, would I then do 
> the following? :
>  // main1.js
>  module MyLib = lib.MyLib;
>  MyLib.doStuff();
>  // main2.js
>  module wrapper = load "lib/MyLib.js";
>  module MyLib = wrapper.MyLib;
>  MyLib.doStuff();

I'm not sure I see what you're getting at, but IIUC, both of those examples are 
fine. You can always declare a new module binding that points to/aliases an 
existing module binding.

> In the "Remote modules on the web (1)" example we have:
>  | module JSON = load 'http://json.org/modules/json2.js';
>  | alert(JSON.stringify({'hi': 'world'}));
> 7) Am I understanding correctly that this is pointing to a
> plain script (without module decls) which is wrapped inside
> the JSON module we specify?

It's a module body, which may contain nested module declarations, variable 
declarations, function declarations, statements, etc.
> 8) Imagine a json2mod.js with an embedded:
>  module JSON { ... }
> which would result in:
>  module JSON = load 'http://json.org/modules/json2mod.js';
>  alert(JSON.JSON.stringify({'hi': 'world'}));
> Is this assumption correct?

Yes, but you wouldn't wanna do that. ;)

> 9) If so, what syntax could be used to avoid the extra wrapper
> module at load?

The creator of the JSON library doesn't name it; the client names it. The JSON 
module just contains the *body* of the module. This is crucial for the web: you 
can have millions of libraries without worrying about library name collisions.

> Could there f ex be a standalone load syntax 
> that evaluates straight into the current scope:
>  load 'http://json.org/modules/json2mod.js';
>  alert(JSON.stringify({'hi': 'world'}));

You can get partway there via:

    module JSON = load 'http://json.org/modules/json2mod.js';
    import JSON.*;

But yeah, it might be nice to have a shorthand that avoids the extra module 
binding. (I'd probably want the syntax to start with "import" or "module").

> (disclaimer: haven't thought much about implications of this)

Me neither... I'll have to think about it.

> In the "Static module detection" example we have:
>  | // compiler tries each in order
>  | module JSON = load ('JSON' || 'http://json.org/modules/json2.js');
> 10) Does this syntax mix module identifiers and MRLs? (the 
> 'JSON' item looks very much like a pre-registered module in
> the module registry?)

No, I was just positing some syntax for built-in MRL's. Maybe I should've 
written something like

    module JSON = load ('browser://JSON' || 'http://json.org/modules/json2.js');

but I didn't want anyone to think I was making some specific proposal for a new 
URL scheme or anything. This is one of those things that stands outside the 
jurisdiction of TC39 but would still want standardization. I think we're going 
to need some amount of (hopefully light) collaboration with a W3C committee.

> 11) [Excuse my poor BNF] What is the +(',') for in:
>  | ModuleDeclaration ::= 'module' Identifier '=' 'load' MRL+(',') ';'

Heh-- excuse my bogus BNF! That's just a made-up extension that allows 1 or 
more instances of MRL, separated by the ',' token. Spelled out:

    MRL+(',') ::= MRL
               |  MRL+(',') ',' MRL

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