Jasvir Nagra wrote:

According to your proposal, one.js is doing in essence a text inclusion of the 
contents of two.js and as a result is susceptible to the problems unhygienic 
macro expansion suffers. 

I have been thinking about similar concerns, but, as the proposal mentions 
separate compilation of modules, I'm currently looking upon it as dynamic 
scoping rather than macro expansion. Ie, a separately compiled external module 
(compiled at "top-level" lexical scope) is instantiated an arbitrary number of 
levels down in another module hierarchy and is getting references to the 
modules at this location through dynamic scoping. (Maybe my usage of the term 
dynamic scoping is not fully on the point but I'm hoping it is getting the 
message through)
I'd like to express my full respect for that you, David and Sam, have probably 
thought a lot on this, but it would still be great if you could add some 
discussion around this on the proposal page. 
Comparing with Java classes and classloaders, where classloaders can affect the 
referential environment for subsequently loaded classes, it looks to me like 
every module has the capability to affect the referential environment of its 
sub-modules. Ie, each time you create a module you are also creating an 
What is quite an explicit operation in Java (setting up a separate classloader) 
is implicit in the proposal, and I'm thinking that there might be risks 
associated with this. I'm thinking that both Jasvir and I are thinking about 
possible advantages if instead using a dedicated syntax just for setting up the 
environment to use for sub-modules?
Btw, Jasvir, I see that you are using the syntax:

import JQ;

in your examples, but as far as I can see the grammar doesn't allow this form, 
as all import statements are about aliasing names inside a module to local 
names. I, too, think it would be great to have a simple form that expresses an 
intent to use a certain module without binding any of its names. At the moment 
this seems to be done like this:

module JQ = JQ;

but I'm not sure that is what is intended?
Best regards
Mike Wilson
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