On 2 Jul 2010, at 23:17, David Flanagan wrote:

> Mark S. Miller wrote:
> However, many objected to "ephemeron" as obscure
>>    jargon. We have not yet settled the name we are giving this abstraction.
> It is the language of GC implementors, and won't make sense to JS programmers.
>> I'll be happy with almost any name that everyone else can agree to that 
>> isn't technically incorrect, i.e., not "WeakKeyTable".
>> If we can't agree on anything else, I propose that we default to 
>> "EphemeronTable". It has the virtues of
>> * being technically correct
>> * giving credit where due
>> * unlikely to conflict with any other names in use by legacy JS code.
> How about EphemeralMap?
> Changing the obscure noun Ephemeron to an adjective reduces the jargon-level 
> substantially, but retains the three virtues Mark lists.
> This name make even more sense to JS programmers if Harmony also introduced 
> an ordinary Map class for mapping objects to values with regular strong 
> references.  (I assume there is some way to build an ordinary Map on top of 
> an ephemeron table.)
>       David

Without meaning to tread on anyone's toes here, from my PoV as someone who 
doesn't work on any JS engine its the Ephemer{al,on} part that is 

Is some variation based around "Weak" not possible?
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