On Jul 2, 2010, at 3:17 PM, David Flanagan wrote:

> Mark S. Miller wrote:
> However, many objected to "ephemeron" as obscure
>>    jargon. We have not yet settled the name we are giving this abstraction.
> It is the language of GC implementors, and won't make sense to JS programmers.
>> I'll be happy with almost any name that everyone else can agree to that 
>> isn't technically incorrect, i.e., not "WeakKeyTable".
>> If we can't agree on anything else, I propose that we default to 
>> "EphemeronTable". It has the virtues of
>> * being technically correct
>> * giving credit where due
>> * unlikely to conflict with any other names in use by legacy JS code.
> How about EphemeralMap?
> Changing the obscure noun Ephemeron to an adjective reduces the jargon-level 
> substantially, but retains the three virtues Mark lists.
> This name make even more sense to JS programmers if Harmony also introduced 
> an ordinary Map class for mapping objects to values with regular strong 
> references.  (I assume there is some way to build an ordinary Map on top of 
> an ephemeron table.)

I agree that "EphemeronTable" is too jargon-ish and may dissuade developers 
from using it. I like Map better than Table as a suffix. Ephemeral is an 
improvement, but it sounds like the whole map object is ephemeral, rather than 
its mappings. Here are some other ideas:

WeakMap  - doesn't specifically false-advertise as a "weak key" map, but gets 
the right idea across
CacheMap - a major use case for this is for "caching" extra data about objects 
with automatic cleanup
ExtraDataMap - it's a way to store additional data about objects / values (in a 
way that is cleaned up automatically)

I don't think giving credit to inventors should be a major consideration in API 
naming. We can give them credit in the spec.

I'm not sure if there is currently a plan to add a vanilla Map. Some have 
suggested that Object.hash is enough, and JS libraries could build on top of 
the primitive. I think it would seem strange to add ephemeron tables without a 
regular map data structure too, even if in theory you could build your own. It 
seems to me that the standard library of a modern language should include a 
reasonable group of fundamental data structures. I would also argue for adding 
a hashtable-based Set, but I will concede that is less essential.


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