On 11.11.2010 22:39, Oliver Hunt wrote:

On Nov 11, 2010, at 11:30 AM, Dmitry A. Soshnikov wrote:

OTOH, negative indices, are even not array indices. I.e.

var a = [1,2];
a[-1] = 0;
print(a); // 1,2
print(a.length); // 2

From this viewpoint -- for what are they? Seems again, `-n` notations for arrays and strings is useful as a "from the end"-sugar. So now I may propose it.

They're property names,

Thanks, I perfectly know what are they. And said myself that there is an "issue" that there's no stratification of properties/methods (by dot notation) and hash keys/array indexes (by square bracket notation). But it doesn't change fact that ES spec has concept of an "array index" -- a property name which is ToString(ToUInt32(name)) === name. Now I propose also a virtual array index which is ToString(ToInt32(name)) === name.

what you're suggesting would be a fairly dramatic change in behaviour and I would be concerned about it causing site breakages.

No any dramatic changes. ES5 standardized strings indices. Caused it dramatic changes? Nope. And this sugar (which is available in many langs) also won't I think.

I can easily imagine code that did:
var someArray = ..;
var i = someArray.length;
while(v = someArray[--i]) { .. do something... }

Didn't I show the same code in the previous message? Yeah, we discussed it on Twitter.

Which would now be wrong.

And concluded that this is a feature, not a bug. Both, Python and Ruby have the same behavior for such a `while` case. So what? It doesn't change the fact that this is still a useful sugar.

Likewise bugs that lead to code doing a[-1]=foo; would change from being "safe" to modifying the content of the actual array values.

In `-n` virtual property semantics it will modify array value -- starting from the end.

I'm sure I've had this discussion before, the fundamental problem is that ES does not really distinguish between dot and bracket property access, whereas afaik python does (i don't know about ruby).

Yes, I mentioned it myself several times (in articles and including several topics in es-discuss). Yes, Python distinguish. Ruby too. But from your position, ES already has some lacks then. E.g. Object.keys() -- what does it mean? What kind of "keys" you have found here? Or maybe `Object.getOwnPropertyNames()` ?

Still ES has concept of an "array index" (separating it from all other properties), I think a "virtual array index" is also good.



On 11.11.2010 21:26, Dmitry A. Soshnikov wrote:
Actually, I'm still not sure myself whether I want this semantics in JS for arrays. I remember one case (some simple math task) when I was needed a[-1] and was glad that JS supports it -- I used `for (var i = -2; i < 10; i++) a[i]`, and it was very elegant decision at that moment.

There is also one lack (?) with decreasing counter loop (brought in discussion on Twitter), e.g.:

var a = [1, 2, 3], i = a.length;

while (v = a[--i]) {
  print(i, v)

that brings: 2,3  1,2  0,1  -1,3  -2,2  -3,1

i.e. double enumeration with this semantics. But formally, it's not a bug, but a feature -- both Python and Ruby have the same semantics in such a `while` case.

Another reason I'm still no sure about a[-1] is that JS (in contrast with the same Python and Ruby) has no stratification of normal properties -- via dot notation, and subscription properties -- via square bracket notation. I mentioned this in previous mentioned thread. And from this viewpoint, probably it's not good that o[-1] means exactly "-1" and a[-1] means a[`last`]. Don't know.

Want both -- and (probably sometimes needed) "-1", and sugar for [`last`].

Though, repeat, since ES5 brought special semantics for subscription of strings, i.e. "abc"[0] is "a", maybe it worth to make another sugar for arrays too? Btw, if yes, it will touch strings too.


On 11.11.2010 13:24, Dmitry A. Soshnikov wrote:

How likely (based on backward compats) that Harmony will support Pythonic negative indices for arrays? Ruby supports them too. There was previous indirect mention, were Brendan agreed that Harmony needs such a semantics for arrays, however, that discussion wasn't formed to something concrete.

Recently, there was the same discussion in CoffeeScript's tracker -- https://github.com/jashkenas/coffee-script/issues#issue/827 . Since Coffee uses JavaScript as its lower level, there were proposals to provide an alternative syntax for this (e.g. a[* - 1], where * means a.length, allowing this feature to be generic), though, I'm not sure this exact syntax is needed for ES. However, I mentioned there, that if Harmony itself will support this feature in Python's/Ruby's semantics, then Coffee won't need an alternative thing.

Currently, this feature may be easily implemented using proxies: https://github.com/DmitrySoshnikov/es-laboratory/blob/master/examples/array-negative-indices.js (example), https://github.com/DmitrySoshnikov/es-laboratory/blob/master/src/array-negative-indices.js (implementation), however possibly it's good to have this semantics for objects with [[Class]] "Array" as native. I think it's acceptable, since we already have such alternative semantics for String objects.



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