On Mon, Jan 10, 2011 at 2:12 AM, Erik Corry <erik.co...@gmail.com> wrote:

> 2011/1/10 thaddee yann tyl <thaddee....@gmail.com>:
> > I see no reason to name the "floordiv" trap that way. Python has a
> Agreed.
> On a slightly more high level note it seems like there is a very large
> number of complex proposals being poured into Harmony.  If they are
> all implemented the language will become unwieldy and complex both for
> users and implementers.  Is there a sense in which we have a
> 'complexity budget' or does the committee feel we can add all
> proposals to the language?

I'm glad you raise this.

I have never heard anyone on the committee even hint that we should add all
proposed features to the language. Different members of the committee have
different complexity budgets, both in magnitude, but more importantly, in
how we weight complexity: Kernel semantics? Overall user semantics?
Implementation? Ease of use for novices that don't quite have any accurate
semantic model? Ease of reasoning about programs, either informally,
formally, or by automated tools?

I think all of us would agree that all of these are important. But each of
us would bring tremendously different weightings to these issues. However,
since the committee works by consensus, not majority, hopefully the end
result will more closely approximate the intersection of our various budgets
than the union.

> On the concrete proposal I note that the strawman claims this can be
> used to implement bignums, but it seems to me there is no way to
> implement storage of arbitrary size so that would appear to be
> impossible.  Am I missing something.
> Another question:  As I read the proposal, the dispatch is on the left
> hand side of binary operators.  Does the proposal have a way for a+b
> to work where a is an old-fashioned number and b is a complex?
> --
> Erik Corry
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