Another idea would be to mimic Ruby's coerce protocol 
( Essentially, 
inside of the definition of op(other), if you know how to operate on a given 
object, you do it. Otherwise, you call other.coerce(this), which returns a 
tuple of objects (ret) that can be operated on. Then you can do 
ret[0].op(ret[1]). If the coercion can't be done, coerce can throw and the 
operator can continue with normal failure patterns.

-----Original Message-----
From: [] On 
Behalf Of François REMY
Sent: Monday, January 10, 2011 4:07 AM
To: Erik Corry; thaddee yann tyl
Subject: Re: Operator Overloading

?Well, you could implement BigNums with this proposal. You just need to make 
the assumption the browser use int32 to store integer numbers smaller than the 
max limit. Then, you build up an array that represent the big number, where 
arr[0] is its part from 0 to 2^32-1, arr[1] its part (=the bytes) from
2^31 to 2^64-1, and the like. You could also rely on something more subtile and 
less hazardous if you prefer.

Regarding the a+bi problem, I may have a solution : I propose the following 
methods : a.canAdd(b), return true if a.add(b) can succeed.

The default a.canAdd(b) method would check if "b" can be converted into the 
type of "a" using b.convertTo(a.constructor) or a.constructor.convertFrom(b).
The default Function.prototype.canConvertFrom(b) would return true only if "b" 
is of type (or inherits from type) "this".
In this case, the Complex class should implements some conversion logic to 
implement [[Number -- (widening) -> Complex]] and [[Complex --
(narrowing) -> Number]].

a = 1;
b = new Complex(0,1); // b = i := sqrt(-1)
---> a.canAdd(b)
    ---> b.canConvertTo(Number) : no (because it has a complex part != 0)
    ---> Number.canConvertFrom(b) : no (because UA don't have this
    ---> no (a+b is not evaluted as a.addRight(b))
---> b.canAdd(a)
    ---> a.canConvertTo(Complex) : no (because UA don't have this
    ---> Complex.canConvertFrom(a) : yes (because it's implemented by the
    ---> yes
----> a+b is evaluated as b.addLeft(a);

When a.canAdd(b) && b.canAdd(a) AND a.operatorPriority==b.operatorPriority,
a.addRight(b) is called.

I suggest to use some special syntax for those additions, and not use a true 
property called "add", because it can mess up many already-written code.

What about Complex.prototype = {
    operator add: function(b) { b=Complex.convertFrom(b); return new 
Complex(this.a+b.a, this.b+b.b); },
    operator canConvertFrom: function(b) { return 
b.constructor==Complex||typeof(b)=="number"; },
    // as no operators for addLeft/addRight are defined, addLeft and addRight 
are mapped to "add" (commutativity is implied).
    // as no operator for multiply is defined, default 
Object.prototype.[operator]multiply apply, which lead to an error if used with 
non-Number objects.
} and Object.defineOperator/Object.getOperatorDescriptor/... ?

BTW, as it may cause huge difficulties for UAs, I propose to have the operators 
of String, Number, Date (& others) marked as read-only.


-----Message d'origine-----
From: Erik Corry
Sent: Monday, January 10, 2011 11:12 AM
To: thaddee yann tyl
Subject: Re: Operator Overloading

2011/1/10 thaddee yann tyl <>:
> I see no reason to name the "floordiv" trap that way. Python has a


On a slightly more high level note it seems like there is a very large number 
of complex proposals being poured into Harmony.  If they are all implemented 
the language will become unwieldy and complex both for users and implementers.  
Is there a sense in which we have a 'complexity budget' or does the committee 
feel we can add all proposals to the language?

On the concrete proposal I note that the strawman claims this can be used to 
implement bignums, but it seems to me there is no way to implement storage of 
arbitrary size so that would appear to be impossible.  Am I missing something.

Another question:  As I read the proposal, the dispatch is on the left hand 
side of binary operators.  Does the proposal have a way for a+b to work where a 
is an old-fashioned number and b is a complex?

Erik Corry
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