On Jan 26, 2011, at 2:04 PM, Brendan Eich <bren...@mozilla.com> wrote:

> On Jan 26, 2011, at 1:54 PM, Kam Kasravi wrote:
>> I assume you mean m.load("la1").
> What is m?
From Sam's example which was actually ml eg
var a;
if (someCondition) {
 a = ml.load("a1");
} else {
 a = ml.load("a2");
> Where did "la1" come from?
Sorry that was from Sam's follow up where he emphasized the var 'a' as |a|
which I read as the module string reference (mistyped). I think we're on the 
same page now.
> Confusion.
>> So what is the behavior if you do new m.load("la1").Foo() if you know Foo is 
>> an exported object?
> Sam addressed that directly ("nothing is statically known"), cited in full 
> below.
> Also, you can't violate JS's run to completion execution model by nesting an 
> event loop and blocking on that load until the module, which could be on a 
> far away server or even a too-slow-to-block-on disk filesystem, finishes 
> loading.
> CommonJS may do that on the server side, assuming fast enough file i/o. It's 
> not necessarily a good idea even there (Ryan Dahl has talked about this). On 
> the client, it's right out, which is why client-side CommonJS-like module 
> systems require a preprocessor or else a callback.
>> Is there a module API that allows one to introspect a modules content?
> Are you reading the wiki?
Not lately. I'll reread the simple module syntax and examples.
> /be

Are you guys following modules 2.0 at all that seems to be a parallel universe 
of sorts under co mmonjs? Seems like it should make the strawman in some form 
>> On Jan 26, 2011, at 1:46 PM, Sam Tobin-Hochstadt <sa...@ccs.neu.edu> wrote:
>>> On Wed, Jan 26, 2011 at 2:04 PM, James Burke <jrbu...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> CommonJS Modules 1.1 allows this kind of construct in module code:
>>>> var a;
>>>> if (someCondition) {
>>>>  a = require("a1");
>>>> } else {
>>>>  a = require("a2");
>>>> }
>>>> and the module "a1" is not actually evaluated until execution reaches
>>>> the a = require("a1") call.
>>>> 1) Could something like this work in Simple Modules? If so, what would
>>>> be the syntax for it?
>>> You can use module loaders to do exactly this (I believe, based on my
>>> understanding of CommonJS).  It would look like:
>>> var ml = ... the desired module loader ...
>>> var a;
>>> if (someCondition) {
>>> a = ml.load("a1");
>>> } else {
>>> a = ml.load("a2");
>>> }
>>> This produces a module instance object, bound to |a|.  It doesn't,
>>> however, allow you to import from |a|, since nothing is statically
>>> known about what the exports of |a| are.
>>>> 2) What are the design decisions behind only allowing "module" and
>>>> "use" at the top level of a module?
>>> Modules are a statically scoped construct, and the implementation and
>>> the programmer can both statically tell where variables come from.
>>> This prevents modules from being dynamically created, except in the
>>> context of module loaders, as seen above.
>>> -- 
>>> sam th
>>> sa...@ccs.neu.edu
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