I made quick update - could you take a look if I captured the essentials
(there are 2 proposals)?


I tried to get examples to show best and worst cases for both approaches -
update if you can do worse :).

26. јануар 2011. 13.54, Shawn Steele <shawn.ste...@microsoft.com> је

>  Ah, well. Hmmm.  I was sort of assuming the caller would care if the data
> was valid and that the callee wouldn’t be making that kind of decision.
> If we went with “infer-by-default”, then your scenario wouldn’t happen (S)
> unless the app really didn’t want inferring.  In which case your workaround
> is the wrong thing to do (I’d think).
> I really don’t want to double the surface, but I see your point about
> changing from uninferred to inferred.
> -Shawn
> *From:* mark.edward.da...@gmail.com [mailto:mark.edward.da...@gmail.com] *On
> Behalf Of *Mark Davis ?
> *Sent:* Wednesday, January 26, 2011 1:51 PM
> *To:* Shawn Steele
> *Cc:* Nebojša Ćirić; Phillips, Addison; Gillam, Richard;
> es-discuss@mozilla.org
> *Subject:* Re: i18n objects
> Your last message was illustrative.
> From our perspective, the mainline service APIs (currency formatting,
> collation, etc.) should always return the best possible answer, with some
> way to determine whether or not the data was inferred or not in case someone
> cares (which is important, but definitely the lower-runner case). So
> writing from the point of view of implementing a service, we'll need to get
> the the best currency from a LocaleInfo. What your proposal forces us to do
> is something like Alternative S below, instead of Alternative M:
> *Alternative S:*
> theCurrency = inputLocaleInfo.region;
> // if we didn't get one, then the creator of the inputLocaleInfo set
> infer:false, so we have to work around that
> if (theCurrency == null) {
>   myInputLocaleInfo = new LocalInfo({localeInfo:inputLocaleInfo,
> infer:true);
>   theCurrency = myInputLocaleInfo.region;
>   inferredCurrency = true;
> } else {
>   inferredCurrency = false;
> }
> *Alternative M:*
> theCurrency = inputLocaleInfo.inferCurrency;
> inferredCurrency = inputLocaleInfo.region != null;
> I think having a phone call will help to understand all the perspectives on
> the issue.
> Mark
> *— Il meglio è l’inimico del bene —*
>  On Wed, Jan 26, 2011 at 13:27, Shawn Steele <shawn.ste...@microsoft.com>
> wrote:
> I’m sorry, I missed part of the thread.  I’d be happy if Nebojša would
> update the doc, and I’d be happy to participate in a call.  (I can’t update
> it that fast).
> Anytime is OK for me.
> -Shawn
> *From:* es-discuss-boun...@mozilla.org [mailto:
> es-discuss-boun...@mozilla.org] *On Behalf Of *Nebojša Ciric
> *Sent:* Wednesday, January 26, 2011 1:07 PM
> *To:* Phillips, Addison
> *Cc:* Gillam, Richard; Shawn Steele; es-discuss@mozilla.org
> *Subject:* Re: i18n objects
> The es strawman was not updated with the recent discussion. I can do that
> before the call, and put both versions there. Shawn could check if my
> representation matches his proposal...
> 26. јануар 2011. 13.03, Phillips, Addison <addi...@lab126.com> је
> написао/ла:
> Sure.
> Did someone update the docs? Where can we get at them?
> Thanks,
> Addison
> Addison Phillips
> Globalization Architect (Lab126)
> Chair (W3C I18N, IETF IRI WGs)
> Internationalization is not a feature.
> It is an architecture.
> *From:* Nebojša Ćirić [mailto:c...@google.com]
> *Sent:* Wednesday, January 26, 2011 1:02 PM
> *To:* Shawn Steele
> *Cc:* Phillips, Addison; Mark Davis ☕; Gillam, Richard;
> es-discuss@mozilla.org
> *Subject:* Re: i18n objects
> Would people be interested in a teleconference call, say Friday to discuss
> this further (in case posting to the list doesn't resolve conflicts soon)?
> I can make the arrangements...
> 26. јануар 2011. 01.35, Shawn Steele <shawn.ste...@microsoft.com> је
> написао/ла:
> A "common" pattern is to require some sort of data (like date format), even
> if you don't have enough information.  The missing-data-so-end-up-at-root is
> a similar sort of scenario.  "Many" applications have the information they
> provide.  If we can't get a value from that, they're sunk because they
> cannot get more specific.
> I'm not saying that's the best thing for all apps, or even that all apps
> use it right, but we find far more developer errors when we're not "helpful"
> enough than from cases where we were over-helpful.
> My problems with the inferred/not inferred pattern are:
> 1) that the function actually doing the work may not be the function that
> "knows" if the data should be inferred or not.  That may be the caller.  So
> then all worker functions have to use the inferred form, which seems
> awkward.  Yes, I'm presuming the caller knows what they're doing, but I
> think that's pretty safe.
> 2) Ok, so we have "both" forms.  Then I call the base form, and it fails
> because it had bogus data.  That's WAY too late, if this scenario concerns
> me, then I need to test up-front so that I don't have to do heavy error
> checking on every call.  Or else the non-inferred functions need to throw.
> 3) My other problem is that it seems to unnecessarily duplicate the surface
> that has to be tested.
> var loc = new LocaleInfo({localeName:"en"});
> var dtf = new DateTimeFormat({locale:loc});
> dtf.Format(); //  Should this require a "inferredFormat" ?  That seems
> really heavy, but en-US and en-anywhere else have different default values.
> It's trivial for the caller (or the callee) to see if scary stuff is being
> inferred, so I don't see how multiple APIs help.  It's much better to
> validate inputs BEFORE calling the format, than to cross your fingers that
> Format will find problems for you.
> -Shawn
>  
> http://blogs.msdn.com/shawnste
>    ------------------------------
> *From:* Phillips, Addison [addi...@lab126.com]
> *Sent:* Tuesday, January 25, 2011 10:09 PM
> *To:* Shawn Steele; Mark Davis ☕
> *Cc:* es-discuss@mozilla.org; Gillam, Richard
> *Subject:* RE: i18n objects
> Hi,
> I’ve been following this thread carefully this week, thinking to chime in
> here or there (but not needing to so far).
> Is there a place where updated docs are accumulating? We’re nearly done
> with our squirrelfish implementation and I’m getting the feeling that it’s
> becoming non-standard ;-). Also, we’re noticing some gaps in the earlier
> docs. I want to see if they’ve been addressed or if I should comment
> instead.
> WRT the current discussion, I think the problem for me falls between
> “explicit BCP47 fields” (what I’ve tended to call the “gross locale
> identifier”), which I’m pretty sure I don’t want automagically populated,
> and “implicit fields” (i.e. the ones you’d specify using the extension). The
> implicit fields I kind of expect to have a default setting—if I give you
> “de”, there should be a default collation, currency, calendar, and such. And
> maybe the Latin script (Suppress-Script says so). But inferring “de-DE”
> seems ambitious. Maybe for German it’s not so bad, but many times I don’t
> want inferences about region to be foisted upon me.
> As a result, I’m more in favor of Mark’s solution (you can get an inferred
> value, but you have to call for it; in most cases, you get null for unset
> fields). But would that be for all fields? I’d rather that not be the case.
> Just a thought.
> Addison
> Addison Phillips
> Globalization Architect (Lab126)
> Chair (W3C I18N, IETF IRI WGs)
> Internationalization is not a feature.
> It is an architecture.
> *From:* Shawn Steele [mailto:shawn.ste...@microsoft.com]
> *Sent:* Monday, January 24, 2011 3:53 PM
> *To:* Mark Davis ☕
> *Cc:* es-discuss@mozilla.org
> *Subject:* RE: i18n objects
> But assume I have a “black-box” API that prints a report or something.
> If the caller correctly sets the LocaleInfo() for inferred or not inferred,
> it can call BlackBox(myLocale).  However now myLocale has to call either
> .region or .inferredRegion, depending on whether or not it’s inferred.  But
> the “black box” may not have a clue whether inferred is correct (or not).
> IMO it’s better to let the LocaleInfo object behave however the caller
> wants it to behave and let BlackBox assume that the caller’s using it
> right.  IF the blackbox really cares, it can still check, but, IMO, that’s
> very uncommon.
> *From:* mark.edward.da...@gmail.com [mailto:mark.edward.da...@gmail.com] *On
> Behalf Of *Mark Davis ?
> *Sent:* Monday, January 24, 2011 3:41 PM
> *To:* Shawn Steele
> *Cc:* es-discuss@mozilla.org
> *Subject:* Re: i18n objects
> As stated before, I think that this approach is more error prone; that it
> would be better to explicitly call the other function. Here would be the
> difference between the two alternatives for the API: A and B, under the two
> common scenarios:
> *Scenario 1 "I don't care"*
> A.
> x = myLocaleInfo.region;
> B.
> x = myLocaleInfo.inferRegion();
> *Scenario 2. **"I only want explicit region"*
> A.
> x = myLocaleInfo.hasInferredRegion ? undefined : myLocaleInfo.region;
> B.
> x = myLocaleInfo.region();
> I find the B approach simpler and clearer, and we don't have to have an
> extra input parameter.
> Mark
> *— Il meglio è l’inimico del bene —*
> On Mon, Jan 24, 2011 at 10:25, Shawn Steele <shawn.ste...@microsoft.com>
> wrote:
> Considering last week’s discussion on the i18n objects, I think I’ll follow
> this pattern:
> ·         Constructor takes options, as specified
> ·         LocaleInfo takes an option to enable inferring.
> o   Default to infer or not is an open question.
> ·         Have an isInferred() function to test if a property was
> inferred.
> ·         NO options property
> ·         Instead individual properties for each value.
> ·         Using the .derive method to derive a similar object.
> Discussion of each of these should probably have individual threads unless
> they directly impact each other; last week’s thread wandered between topics
> without really resolving them.
> My reasoning:
> ·         I didn’t use the options property because an options property is
> controversial, and leads to other “hard” questions, like:
> o   Would options represent only the state when constructed?  Or the
> current state?  (Can they differ?)
> o   Would options be read-only?  (And then how would you use it).
> o   Would options be a writable copy (which sounds expensive to me)?
> o   Would options be mutable?
> ·         It’s clear that we want to be able to infer or not.  If find the
> ability to set it in the constructor much simple.  A disadvantage is that a
> library would have to figure out if inputs were inferred by using
> isInferred().  An advantage is that when a worker doesn’t really care if
> data is inferred or not, then the caller can pass a correctly inferred (or
> not) object to the worker.
> ·         If there isn’t an options property, then there are fewer
> mechanisms to create a similar derived object.  The suggested .derive()
> function seemed simplest.
> -Shawn
> - Shawn
>  
> http://blogs.msdn.com/shawnste
> (Selfhost 7908)
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> Nebojša Ćirić
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> Nebojša Ćirić
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