
I’ve been following this thread carefully this week, thinking to chime in here 
or there (but not needing to so far).

Is there a place where updated docs are accumulating? We’re nearly done with 
our squirrelfish implementation and I’m getting the feeling that it’s becoming 
non-standard ;-). Also, we’re noticing some gaps in the earlier docs. I want to 
see if they’ve been addressed or if I should comment instead.

WRT the current discussion, I think the problem for me falls between “explicit 
BCP47 fields” (what I’ve tended to call the “gross locale identifier”), which 
I’m pretty sure I don’t want automagically populated, and “implicit fields” 
(i.e. the ones you’d specify using the extension). The implicit fields I kind 
of expect to have a default setting—if I give you “de”, there should be a 
default collation, currency, calendar, and such. And maybe the Latin script 
(Suppress-Script says so). But inferring “de-DE” seems ambitious. Maybe for 
German it’s not so bad, but many times I don’t want inferences about region to 
be foisted upon me.

As a result, I’m more in favor of Mark’s solution (you can get an inferred 
value, but you have to call for it; in most cases, you get null for unset 
fields). But would that be for all fields? I’d rather that not be the case.

Just a thought.


Addison Phillips
Globalization Architect (Lab126)
Chair (W3C I18N, IETF IRI WGs)

Internationalization is not a feature.
It is an architecture.

From: Shawn Steele [mailto:shawn.ste...@microsoft.com]
Sent: Monday, January 24, 2011 3:53 PM
To: Mark Davis ☕
Cc: es-discuss@mozilla.org
Subject: RE: i18n objects

But assume I have a “black-box” API that prints a report or something.

If the caller correctly sets the LocaleInfo() for inferred or not inferred, it 
can call BlackBox(myLocale).  However now myLocale has to call either .region 
or .inferredRegion, depending on whether or not it’s inferred.  But the “black 
box” may not have a clue whether inferred is correct (or not).

IMO it’s better to let the LocaleInfo object behave however the caller wants it 
to behave and let BlackBox assume that the caller’s using it right.  IF the 
blackbox really cares, it can still check, but, IMO, that’s very uncommon.

From: mark.edward.da...@gmail.com [mailto:mark.edward.da...@gmail.com] On 
Behalf Of Mark Davis ?
Sent: Monday, January 24, 2011 3:41 PM
To: Shawn Steele
Cc: es-discuss@mozilla.org
Subject: Re: i18n objects

As stated before, I think that this approach is more error prone; that it would 
be better to explicitly call the other function. Here would be the difference 
between the two alternatives for the API: A and B, under the two common 

Scenario 1 "I don't care"

x = myLocaleInfo.region;

x = myLocaleInfo.inferRegion();

Scenario 2. "I only want explicit region"

x = myLocaleInfo.hasInferredRegion ? undefined : myLocaleInfo.region;

x = myLocaleInfo.region();

I find the B approach simpler and clearer, and we don't have to have an extra 
input parameter.


— Il meglio è l’inimico del bene —
On Mon, Jan 24, 2011 at 10:25, Shawn Steele 
<shawn.ste...@microsoft.com<mailto:shawn.ste...@microsoft.com>> wrote:
Considering last week’s discussion on the i18n objects, I think I’ll follow 
this pattern:

•         Constructor takes options, as specified

•         LocaleInfo takes an option to enable inferring.

o   Default to infer or not is an open question.

•         Have an isInferred() function to test if a property was inferred.

•         NO options property

•         Instead individual properties for each value.

•         Using the .derive method to derive a similar object.

Discussion of each of these should probably have individual threads unless they 
directly impact each other; last week’s thread wandered between topics without 
really resolving them.

My reasoning:

•         I didn’t use the options property because an options property is 
controversial, and leads to other “hard” questions, like:

o   Would options represent only the state when constructed?  Or the current 
state?  (Can they differ?)

o   Would options be read-only?  (And then how would you use it).

o   Would options be a writable copy (which sounds expensive to me)?

o   Would options be mutable?

•         It’s clear that we want to be able to infer or not.  If find the 
ability to set it in the constructor much simple.  A disadvantage is that a 
library would have to figure out if inputs were inferred by using isInferred(). 
 An advantage is that when a worker doesn’t really care if data is inferred or 
not, then the caller can pass a correctly inferred (or not) object to the 

•         If there isn’t an options property, then there are fewer mechanisms 
to create a similar derived object.  The suggested .derive() function seemed 


- Shawn

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