Le 12/03/2011 09:06, Brendan Eich a écrit :
> On Mar 11, 2011, at 12:49 PM, Charles Kendrick wrote:
>> Yes Allen, hence the urgency.  If IE9 final ships that way, the
>> "goose is cooked":
> I hear tell of something happening next Monday. Goose, well-done,
> stuffed, I think.
>> 1. we will have a new de facto standard iteration order for Object
>> that does not match any known use case - it is purely an
>> implementation detail leaking through
> IE9 seems to match
> the http://wiki.ecmascript.org/doku.php?id=strawman:enumeration strawman.
>> 2. the majority of real-world applications will be slowed down
>> because developers will need to re-implement the very commonly needed
>> LinkedHashMap behavior in JavaScript
> Where is this LinkedHashMap thing from? Oh, Java.
> Again, IE9 is late to the party in breaking insertion order for
> indexed properties.
The little "issue" I see in returning 1) index properties in ascending
order 2) all other properties in addition order is that there is a bit
of information lost in the process: overall property addition order
(index properties included).

In ECMAScript 5 (+# notation), if I want all index properties of an
object o in ascending order, I can do something along the lines of:
    .filter(#(e){ e.match(/[1-9]\d+/) }) // remove non-number strings
    .sort(#(a,b){ Number(a) < Number(b) ?1:-1 });   // sort in ascending
numeric order
My point is that I do not need the ES engine to provide this. I can get
it myself.
However, only the engine can know the information of the overall
insertion order (if I have inserted the "2" property before the "1" for

What is the rational or use case behind having index properties at first
for objects and then the rest of properties?

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