The point is that there are comprehensive solutions in the works that can be 
part of "ES6", but those will take some time to reach consensus.  If the 
community is looking for an immediate alternative to the most common use case 
of LHS __proto__ that is not supported by ES5, then Array.create is probably 
something that we could decide upon very quickly.    That  still wouldn't 
preclude the more comprehensive solution.


On Mar 18, 2011, at 10:15 AM, John-David Dalton wrote:

>> Array create seems like a good interface for that particular use case even 
>> if the general solution that
>> encompasses things other than Array ended up being something different.
> Limiting it to Array.create seems shortsighted. It's useful for
> Strings, Numbers, RegExp, and others.
> Adding Array.create() would mean eventually adding .create() to the
> others (which is better than nothing), but a more generic solution
> would be ideal.
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