On 21.03.2011 19:13, Claus Reinke wrote:
I was looking forward to a Javascript with block scope at last,
but on looking through the proposals, I have some questions:

1. hoisting vs recursive function definitions

   Hoisting isn't nice in general,

It's just a technique. It has pros and cons (http://bit.ly/eg4Daz)

and from the "no use before declaration" in [1], it seems that let bindings won't be hoisted,
   not even to their enclosing block.

Why? It does hoisted (at least in the semantics of current SM1.8.5). In rough approximation, `let` is just a syntactic sugar for immediately invoked lambdas:

let (x = 10, y = 20) {
  /* code */

is just a:

(function (x, y) {
    /* code */
})(10, 20);

A similarly:

if (true) {
    console.log(x, y); // undefined, undefined
    let x = 10, y = 20;
    console.log(x, y); // 10, 20

is just a:

if (true) {
    (function () {
        console.log(x, y); // undefined, undefined
        var x = 10, y = 20;
        console.log(x, y); // 10, 20

That said, the approximation is rough (after all, things such as `break`, `continue`, etc. should be considered), but the basic idea is this.

   But hoisting is also the basis for making mutually recursive
function definitions work without pain. Will we have to declare all function names of recursive function groups ahead of defining them (with a top-down parser, there'd
   be many more than just two function names to list)?
   {    let odd, even; // needed?
   odd = function (n) { .. even(n-1) ..}
   even = function (n) { .. odd(n-1) ..}

Nope, it seems ugly. If you want a function expression (FE), then use it as is:

let odd = #(n) {
  /* code */

Or, since function statements (FS) will be standardized, just:

function odd(n) {
  /* code */

   or, with #functions [2]

   {    const odd, even; // needed?
   const #odd (n) { .. even(n-1) ..}
   const #even (n) { .. odd(n-1) ..}

   Once function definitions are constant, there doesn't seem
   to be much harm in a limited form of hoisting: for a sequence
of constant function definitions, not interrupted by other statements, implicitly introduce all function names defined in the sequence at the start of the sequence (to simplify recursive definitions).

Yes, definitions in loop is also one of the hoisting's reasons (though, it can be managed an in the system without hoisting).

The alternatives would be manual duplication of function name lists, or introducing a dedicated letrec syntax for recursive definitions (the latter might actually be preferable).

   Am I missing something here, or hasn't this been discussed?
   2. ease of transition

   The general idea seems to be to introduce separate syntax,
   to force programmers to "buy in" to the new semantics. This
   should lead to a clean transition, but not an easy one.

The downside is that no-one can test the waters as long as old implementations (do not understand 'let') retain substantial marketshare. This is sad because implementations could
   start helping programmers right now (read: from the next
   release), to prepare for the eventual transition.

   One idea would be to start separating "strong" and "weak"
   blocks, where weak blocks '{ }' are the standard, non-scoped
   ones and strong blocks '{{ }}' (to steal no syntax) would be
   block-scoped (for instance, map to "(function() { }())" ).

Not sure and don't think so. Also, it will complicate the picture in a whole. Two curly braces are enough for JS from C's syntax.

foo = ->
    # coffee

let foo = #() {{
   // js

   [we can't map '{{ }}' by translating 'var' to 'let': unless all
    blocks involved are strong blocks, 'let' is more local]

   Another idea would be to add a pragma: "no hoisting";
   (or extend "use strict" to encompass this). Upon which
   the implementation should warn or error on any code
   that captures variable occurences by hoisting. For instance:

   function F() {
       "no hoisting";
       .. x ..
       if ( .. ) { var x; .. }
       .. x ..

Also it seems as a complication for the language. Again, hoisting is just a technique, there is no need to complicate your code with additional pragmas (especially with that technically-jargon term "hoisting"). It's better to build your code accordingly and manually -- just put all definitions to the top yourself.


   should produce warnings (at least at the hoisted declaration,
   probably also at the captured uses).

[1] http://wiki.ecmascript.org/doku.php?id=harmony:let
[2] http://brendaneich.com/2011/01/harmony-of-my-dreams/

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