Reading this thread, we have possibly three types? "sort", "comparison", "in-text search"?

I'm trying to remember, and fail. Was "sort" and "non-sort" different other than default options?

As for proposals in this thread, I'm not too fond of putting non-optional arguments into options, that's not really how I understand the contract there.

Also, comments in this thread indicate that the matching substring may not be uniquely defined by the collator, i.e., there could be a difference between greedy and not. That sounds like a bad thing to happen.


On 25.03.11 21:42, Nebojša Ćirić wrote:
Looking through the notes from the meeting I also found some problems
with the collator. We did specify the collatorType: search, but we
didn't offer a function that would make use of it. Mark and I are
thinking about:

  * string - string to search over.
  * substring - string to look for in "string"
  * index - start search from index
  * @return {Array} [first, last] - first is index of the match or -1,
last is end of the match or undefined.
LocaleInfo.Collator.prototype.find(string, substring, index)

We could also opt for iterator solution where we keep the state.

The reason we need to return both begin and end part of the found string is:

Look for *gaard* and we find *g**å**rd* - which may be equivalent in
Danish, but substring lengths don't match (5 vs. 4) so we need to tell
user the next index position.

The other problem Jungshik found is that there is a combinatorial
explosion with all ignoreXXX options we defined. My proposal is to
define only N that make sense (and can be supported by all implementors)
and fall back the rest to some predefined default.

Nebojša Ćirić

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