If I've got this right, the idea of soft bind is that the function 
distinguishes whether it's called as a function or as a method; if called as a 
function, it uses the lexical binding of |this|, and if called as a method, it 
uses the dynamically pass-in binding of |this|.

Note that the .call and .apply methods don't allow you to make this distinction.


On Mar 30, 2011, at 1:14 PM, P T Withington wrote:

> On 2011-03-29, at 17:38, Brendan Eich wrote:
> [...]
>> We did not discuss allowing |this| to be bound otherwise, *except*
>> #foo(this = this| arg1, arg2) {...}
> Am I right in understanding the above to be an idiom for trampolining the 
> outer `this` binding into the closure?  (With the hazard that someone could 
> override that binding.)  Or are you just giving an example, not endorsing a 
> particular idiom?
> [...]
>> The other use-case, what Alex Russell calls soft-bind, also wants |this| not 
>> |^this|.
> Is there an example of what 'soft-bind' means somewhere?

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