On Apr 2, 2011, at 11:44 AM, David Bruant wrote:

> Hi,
> This proposal is another attempt to address the DOM Element+EventTarget
> multiple inheritance issue in ECMAScript.

That issue was resolved by putting EventTarget on the inheritance chain. See



http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/domcore/raw-file/tip/Overview.html 9.2 DOM Core

"Node now inherits from EventTarget."

In general, WebIDL is not spec'ing multiple "instanceof" inheritance any 
longer. It is explicitly linearizing to work best with JS.

> The idea is to turn the == operator into an equivalence relation
> operator. The careful reader will instantly notice that actually, it
> already is (even if not explicitly stated in the spec).

No, == is not an e.r.

You must mean only in the cases where typeof a == typeof b, then a == b <=> a 
=== b, and === is an e.r. But that does not mean == is an e.r.

For mismatching types, == is not transitive, so not an e.r. Also, for NaNs it 
is not reflexive (neither is ===).

> // Assuming o is an object already in the environment
> var o2 = Object.create(null, {}, o); // third argument is an object
> // The newly created object and o will be in the same equivalence class
> // If the third argument is omitted, the new object belongs to a new
> equivalence class.
> ---
> We have:
> - o2 == o
> - o2 !== o
> - For all object a: o2 == a iff o == a (by transitivity by is in the
> definition of an equivalence class)

What developers want, IMHO, is not Object.create and a specific object o to 
pass as a member of an existing e.c., in which to create a new object. That is 
tedious and painful, it requires _a priori_ arrangements.

Rather, many developers wish == would work at least like so (same for <): [1, 
2] == [1, 2]. Hence the tuples and records ideas in


whereby #[1, 2] == #[1, 2] and #[1, 2] < #[1, 3].

More could be done, for sure. If Array users, say on a module by module basis, 
could "opt in" to better == and < semantics, that might be worth the trouble of 
adding such opt-in new operators.

But not just via Object.create.

And instanceof EventTarget is now a non-issue.


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