On Apr 2, 2011, at 5:11 PM, Brendan Eich wrote:
> On Apr 2, 2011, at 4:19 PM, David Bruant wrote:
>> I have the feeling that none of these can help out with multiple 
>> inheritance. This is the problem I want to address.
> Why? I mean, given the WebIDL and DOM changes.
>> Is multiple inheritance a use case that TC39 intends to address in a generic 
>> manner?
> No.

Inheritance-based instanceof testing for the purpose of dynamic classification 
of objects  is most appropriate in statically typed subclasing===subtyping 
languages.  Multiple inheritance (at least for interfaces) is almost essential 
in such languages.  That isn't is the case for dynamically typed 
subclassing!==subtyping languages.  There is lots of experience with such 
languages that shows that dynamic classification via class or superclass 
inclusion testing is a poor practice.  This is because it is possible (and 
often even necessary) to create behaviorally substitutable  classes that don't 
participate in an inheritance relationship.  By using such a test you are 
forcing downstream developers to fit into your implementation hierarchy and 
there may be strong reasons to do otherwise.

instanceof testing is very familiar to programmers coming from a Java-like 
language background.  But like a number of other statically-typed language 
practices, instanceof testing is not a good idiom to use in JavaScript.  If an 
"EventTarget" must have specific behavioral characteristic, then define those 
characteristics such that any object that needs to be an "EventTarget" can 
implement them, regardless of what is on its [[Prototype]] chain.  If it is 
important to be able to dynamically test if an object can serve as an 
"EventTarget" then define a property that provides that characterization and 
make it part of the specified behavior of an "EventTarget". Just don't require 
that EventTarget.prototype is somewhere on the [[Prototype]] chain.

Practically speaking, large parts of  JavaScript community are just starting to 
use the language to build rich "class" libraries.  Many of them don't have 
experience with dynamically typed OO languages so they naturally follow the 
practices they are familiar with.  We really need to guide them towards using 
the best practices  that have been proven effective for  dynamic OO languages 
rather than facilitating continued use of static OO idioms that are a poor fit 
to JavaScript.


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