> Regarding, "import M.*" via destructuring, it's also arguable whether we 
> don't need it since it "looks like a with".

I don't see any sense in which it looks like a |with|. It's both syntactically 
and semantically different. Syntactically, because it's a global (or 
module-global) declaration rather than a local statement form, and 
semantically, because it imports all the bindings at compile-time.

> then (theoretically!) why not to have `let {} = Mod`

because that is ambiguous with existing destructuring syntax

> (or any other syntax, e.g. let * = Mod)

because that would be dynamically evaluating the module expression and 
dynamically importing all the bindings, and hence tantamount to |with|.

> But, IMO it just looks more complicated than import Mod.*.

I agree. Part of the point of import is to create a distinct syntactic context 
for module expressions. Mixing this in with ordinary expressions and 
destructuring confuses the issue.

>> (We've talked a little bit about generalizing the `require' form to be an 
>> expression operator that does a static module load, but I'm not sure whether 
>> it hangs together.)
> This is the question of allowing expression which we talked in the Narcissus 
> list

No, it's a different issue. You were talking about export declarations. Here I 
was talking about allowing you to statically load a module in any expression.

> (https://mail.mozilla.org/pipermail/narcissus/2011-March/000043.html ; btw, 
> is it worth to put the discussing on duplications on this list?).

Not really. It's a pretty specific detail and we'll sort it out. It's not worth 
spending time discussing.

> Though the other question is: why do we need `require` at all?

Purely for syntactic/practical reasons. Let's not bikeshed.


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