> Allowing a callable module would go a long way towards bridging the
> gap with "settings exports" as that is the primary use of that
> feature, although it has been useful for text plugins to set the value
> of an AMD module to a text string (see loader plugins section).

I'll try to think up some lightweight ways to make a module callable.

> In that case, I can see the appeal for what Dmitry mentions in his
> reply, just reducing it to:
> module thing = "some/thing";

That's been one of the alternative surface syntaxen we've considered. As I said 
to Dmitry, let's avoid bikeshedding on-list.

> Ideally, you could have multiple ones with one module word:
> module datePicker = "datePicker",
>    thing = "some/thing",
>    Q = "Q";

This is actually already part of the proposal.

>> BTW, what you're asking for is essentially a concurrent join, which is 
>> convenient to express in a new library I'm working on called jsTask:
>>    let [m1, m2, m3] = yield join(load("m1.js"), load("m2.js"), 
>> load("m3.js"));
> I like the ideas behind jsTask, although I would rather not type load that 
> much:
> let [m1, m2, m3] = yield load(["m1.js", "m2.js", "m3.js"]);

Sure, and that's easy enough to implement. You could even simplify it further 
by making load variable-arity:

    let [m1, m2, m3] = yield load("m1.js", "m2.js", "m3.js");

> Array of modules via require([], function (){}) has been useful in
> RequireJS, and has a nice parity with the define([], function (){})
> dependency list too, although not applicable here. Fair enough if you
> want to consider sugar later.

Yeah, we'll get there. This is something I feel pretty confident can be made 
convenient without affecting the core of the system, so I think it can wait 
till later.

Thanks again for your input,

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