Le 06/04/2011 08:14, Allen Wirfs-Brock a écrit :
> I''ve been a bit pinch for time the last couple days, but here are
> some preliminary responses to a few points below.
> On Apr 5, 2011, at 1:38 PM, David Bruant wrote:
>>> On Apr 2, 2011, at 5:11 PM, Brendan Eich wrote  (except the this is
>>> really quoting Allen Wirfs-Brock):
>>> Inheritance-based instanceof testing for the purpose of dynamic
>>> classification of objects  is most appropriate in statically typed
>>> subclasing===subtyping languages.  Multiple inheritance (at least
>>> for interfaces) is almost essential in such languages.  That isn't
>>> is the case for dynamically typed subclassing!==subtyping languages.
>>>  There is lots of experience with such languages that shows that
>>> dynamic classification via class or superclass inclusion testing is
>>> a poor practice.  This is because it is possible (and often even
>>> necessary) to create behaviorally substitutable  classes that don't
>>> participate in an inheritance relationship.  By using such a test
>>> you are forcing downstream developers to fit into your
>>> implementation hierarchy and there may be strong reasons to do
>>> otherwise.
>> I am highly interested by all what is in this paragraph. Would you have
>> articles talking about that you could refer me to?
> Much of the technology and best practices of object-oriented design
> were developed in the 1990's in the context of developing complex
> applications and frameworks using Smalltalk. a dynamically typed,
> single inheritance class based language.  There is a large body of
> work on this topic although most of it is in the guise of Smalltalk. A
> good resource is http://stephane.ducasse.free.fr/FreeBooks.html which
> has digitized copies of a number of out of print Smalltalk related
> books.  Pay particular attention to the style guides and patterns
> related books.  You can probably skip the parts the address specific
> Smalltalk programming idioms (and pitfalls) but pay attention to the
> parts that are more directly generalizable to other dynamic languages.
>  A highly regarded book that isn't on this site is Kent Beck's
> /Smalltalk Best Practices Patterns/.  However, with some web searching
> you may be able to find prepub. drafts that are still floating around
> the web.
> For books and articles about OO design methods that were highly
> influenced by Smalltalk best practices see the work of the other
> Wirfs-Brock:   http://wirfs-brock.com/Resources.html 
> <http://wirfs-brock.com/Resources.html> For a book length treatment
> read: Object Design: Roles, Responsibilities, and Collaborations.
> Lots of other stuff on the web if you search. 
>>> instanceof testing is very familiar to programmers coming from a
>>> Java-like language background.  But like a number of other
>>> statically-typed language practices, instanceof testing is not a
>>> good idiom to use in JavaScript.  If an "EventTarget" must have
>>> specific behavioral characteristic, then define those
>>> characteristics such that any object that needs to be an
>>> "EventTarget" can implement them, regardless of what is on its
>>> [[Prototype]] chain.  If it is important to be able to dynamically
>>> test if an object can serve as an "EventTarget" then define a
>>> property that provides that characterization and make it part of the
>>> specified behavior of an "EventTarget". Just don't require that
>>> EventTarget.prototype is somewhere on the [[Prototype]] chain.
>> So in a way, are you saying that the DOMCore/WebIDL decision is a bad
>> one?
>> If so, how would you solve the Element+EventTarget problem?
> The EventTarget interface specifies 3 methods addEventListner,
> removeEventListener, and  dispatchEvent.  Any object that implements
> these three methods in conformance to the appropriate DOM spec.
>  conforms to this interface.  It doesn't matter if the implementation
> was  inherited or directly implemented on the object.  The method that
> seems to be most essential is dispatchEvent.  If I need to test if an
> object is an EventTarget, I would do it by:
>     if (obj.dispatchEvent) {/* this is an event listener */ ...
> If you are afraid that somebody might coincidentally implement a
> method named "dispatchEvent"  define a function:
> function isEventTarget(obj) {return (obj.isDispatchEvent &&
> obj.addEventListner && obj.removeEventListner0 ? true: false)}
> //personally, I'd seldom, if ever, go to that extreme
>> One interesting aspect I see in having all the things you inherit from
>> in the [[Prototype]] chain is that you may be able to communicate with
>> all other instances in a way. It may be a completely stupid idea, I
>> don't know.
> Finding all instances is typically an expensive operations that
> requires runtime support.  It is seldom needed.  If you find that you
> do need it, it is probably a good idea to go back and revisit the
> design decisions that led to the necessity.
Sorry I was inaccurate in what I said. What I meant is here:
c1 and c2 (and all objects created through getInstance) can
"communicate" through their prototype: in this case, only with an access
to c1 (from anywhere in the program), I can create a "c" property
available in all other "instances". And it doesn't require to know any
other instance (nor all instances consequently). If created with a
constructor, it wouldn't even require access to the contructor itself.
Calls to Object.getPrototypeOf are enough (one call in my example, but
the technique could scale up as you can imagine).
In this "prototype-based communication pattern", the prototype chain
shape matters a lot. If all EventTarget instances have their methods as
own, you can't climb the prototype chain to implement the mechanism I
have just exposed.

Thanks for all the readings,

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