I’ve started implementation of the LocaleInfo class in Chrome and I would
like to clarify what the actual parameters are and how do we construct the
object given those parameters.

Differences to the current proposal are (for sake of simplification, but
without any loss in clarity or functionality):

   - Combine languageNames and localeName parameters from the original
   proposal (0.5) into a single localeID parameter.
   - Leave currencyCode and currencySymbol as parameters for NumberFormat
   - LocaleInfo.options.regionID contains either user specified regionID or
   some inferred value (vs. only user specified value) one the LocaleInfo
   object is created.

LocaleInfo constructor takes options parameter with two fields as input.

   - Optional: localeID - string or an array of unicode identifiers:
   [unicode locale id, ulocid,...]. We assume array is sorted by importance,
   from more to less important locale. LocaleID format is specified in UTS#35
   - Optional: regionID - string representing region ID, used for currency
   inference and possibly other uses. The region ID values follow UTS#35
   region subtag
specification with addition of invalid, undefined and reserved
   region codes).
   - If options parameter is missing, we set resulting localeID field to
   default** value.

I propose algorithm <http://pastebin.mozilla.org/1198734> for resolving best
match locale id and region id from inputs. We should discuss if actual
distance computation for best match should be left to implementers or if we
should standardize it (data it relies on may be different).

As the product of the algorithm LocaleInfo object will have:

   - options.localeID set to a string that is a best match to available
   locales for given implementation and it will be in canonical form. At the
   minimum localeID will have base language subtag. In case localeID input was
   empty or we couldn’t find a match, localeID will have a default value.
   - options.regionID set to a canonicalized (uppercased) region ID. If one
   was not specified as an input, we store inferred value - either region
   subtag from original locale or most likely one using original locale if the
   region subtag is missing.  Invalid/undefined/reserved codes are preserved.

Examples - actual values may vary among implementations because of data
variation. Implementers can also decide to pick different most likely locale
(say en-GB instead of en-US) based on their target region...
localeIDregionIDoptions.localeIDoptions.regionID--defaultdefault’s regionfr-
frFRfr-CA-fr-CACAfrBEfr-BEBEfrRUfr (fr-RU is not available)RU[‘es’,
‘es-419’]-esES[‘pt’, ‘pt-BR’] PTpt-PTPTsrZZsr (didn’t match sr-ZZ, best
match sr).ZZde-Latn-DE-u-co-phonebkATde-DE-u-co-phonebk (best match de-DE,
and added extension)ATsr-MNBAsr-RS (didn’t match sr-MN, best match was

** - Implementation are free to pick the best default value for their
platform. One possible default could be root locale.

Nebojša Ćirić
es-discuss mailing list

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