On Thu, Apr 7, 2011 at 9:15 PM, Mark S. Miller <erig...@google.com> wrote:

> On Thu, Apr 7, 2011 at 9:11 PM, Mark S. Miller <erig...@google.com> wrote:
>> Hi Mikeal,
>> I do not yet understand your server example. Perhaps a bit of illustrative
>> code would help?
>> In any case, within memory-safe gc languages, there are several well
>> motivated enhancements of the API of the collector. Several of these are
>> fundamental, in that there is no way to emulate them in their absence.
>> Ephemeron tables aka WeakMaps is one. Weak references <
>> http://wiki.ecmascript.org/doku.php?id=strawman:weak_references> is
>> another. Given just a normal GC, neither can be emulated. Either one by
>> itself is inadequate to emulate the other. WeakMaps are weak references were
>> written as separate strawmen because, once separated, they are cleanly
>> different
> Oops. "WeakMaps *and* weak references were ..."
>>  abstractions.
>> * WeakMaps by themselves do not make GC observable. They simply provide a
>> collection abstraction designed to make each value accessible based on the
>> *conjunction* of access to a WeakMap and to a key. Because access requires
>> this conjunction of prior access, strong reachability of the value should
>> likewise be based on strong reachability of both the WeakMap and the key. No
>> other existing or proposed construct (including weak references) enables one
>> to arrange such conjunctive reachability relationships. Were WeakMaps
>> enumerable, then access to the WeakMap by itself would be an adequate
>> condition to access its keys and therefore its values.
>> * Weak references, especially when coupled with post mortem notification,
>> is all about observing and reacting to collection decisions. By fetching a
>> strong reference from a weak reference, the "mutator" (i.e., the program
>> rather than the collector) can cause a non-monotonic transition of a value
>> from non-strongly-reachable to strongly-reachable, provided it performs this
>> fetch before the collector notices this non-reachability and collects that
>> value. To do a distributed object system such as <
>> http://erights.org/elib/distrib/captp/> <
>> http://code.google.com/p/caja-captp/>, we desperately need weak
>> references and post mortem notification, in order to compose local
>> collection into distributed acyclic collection. Because the ability to
>> create weak references enables one to observe collection, and therefore
>> enables one to read a high bandwidth covert channel,
It's worse than a high bandwidth covert channel, it's a high bandwidth side
channel: <

> the ability to create weak references is a capability must not be given out
>> lightly, and should be encapsulated by such distributed object systems (as
>> it was in E). By contrast, the ability to create a WeakMap can be made
>> generally available.
>> * Local GC + WeakMaps + weak references with post mortem finalization are
>> still not adequate to compose local collections into full distributed
>> collection, including the collection of distributed cycles. <
>> http://erights.org/history/original-e/dgc/> explains a full distributed
>> GC system designed by Arturo Bejar and implemented within (the language now
>> known as) Original-E. It relied on adding a new API to the JVM collector
>> (back in Java 1.0.x days IIRC), to obtain reachability-change information
>> that cannot otherwise be derived from the local collector. Were the
>> standardization process infinitely malleable I would write up a strawman for
>> this as well, but my sense is that this would be a bridge too far for a
>> standards process.
>> Could your server example be handled by weak references with post mortem
>> notification? Though I don't yet understand it, that would be my guess. I do
>> intend to propose weak references for the next round of ES standardization
>> after ES-next.
>> On Thu, Apr 7, 2011 at 7:13 PM, Mikeal Rogers <mikeal.rog...@gmail.com>wrote:
>>> requests come in to a server, you want to stick them in a hash so that
>>> you can query the server at any time for all the "current" queries.
>>> the problem is that, when using objects, you'll always leak. there are
>>> too many reasons a request might "go away" and too many asynchronous
>>> "owners" of that request to reliably remove it from the hash, especially in
>>> node.
>>> ephemeron tables looked like a good way to solve this, we can stick them
>>> in the table and when nobody else has a reference to them they get
>>> collected. at any point we can query the server for all existing
>>> request/response objects.
>>> if we have no way to enumerate the map we can't do this.
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>> --
>>     Cheers,
>>     --MarkM
> --
>     Cheers,
>     --MarkM

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