On 11:59 AM, Allen Wirfs-Brock wrote:

On May 10, 2011, at 4:53 PM, Douglas Crockford wrote:

I look at ECMAScript as serving four groups:

1. The beginners for whom the language was designed.
2. The web developers who owe their livelihoods to the language.
3. The scientists who will use the language for greatness.
4. Language designers and critics.

I'm not exactly sure what you mean by "scientists". The third group I would identify are professional software developers who will use the language to implemented complex applications of the soft that today are more commonly implemented using Java, C++, etc. These are larger systems that need more emphasis upon upon abstraction building in order to manage the domain and application complexity.

At a meeting today, the dichotomy we used in talking about this is the difference between "imperative programmers" and "abstraction builders". Imperative programmer know how to use basic imperative statements to manipulate predefined abstractions. Abstraction builders create such abstractions. I think that all of your #1 and much of #2 are "imperative programmers". While we need to continue to improve the language for this group we also need to start better serving the needs of the abstraction builders. Much of what we have promoted to proposal status seems to be oriented target on this latter group.
Both application developers and library/framework developers benefit from clear, widely understandable code. Adding bizarre special characters and programming constructs that require world-class programming language expertise to understand helps neither group.



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