On May 20, 2011, at 2:51 PM, Claus Reinke wrote:

>> I think "modules are a construct that evaluates to an object" is the wrong 
>> way to think about them. Syntactic modules are a second-class construct that 
>> is not an expression. You can reflect on modules at runtime, and that 
>> reflection is provided as an object, but that's because almost all compound 
>> data structures in JS are objects. But I would advise against describing 
>> modules as a kind of object.
> Just a note on this: for me, that means Harmony modules
> are a step back from what I can implement in JS/now.

That's false, since you cannot implement what second class modules provide in 
JS now without a preprocessor. You cannot, by special forms such as the module 
M = ... form, tell the compiler to prefetch or find memoized a certain module.

> Not
> having first-class modules has been a major drawback in
> Haskell (which has a strictly 1980s-style module system),
> leading to all kinds of work-arounds. 

Yes, the CMU folks were buggin'. But: please try to look at JS as it is, not 
just reference Haskell.

> One of these workarounds, which I expect to see and use
> a lot in Harmony, is to have first-class modules-as-records
> (or objects) inside second-class built-in-modules.


If you want first-class objects, use objects (frozen if you like). If you want 
functions, they're in JS already.

Generative classes by nesting in a maker function fall out cleanly from this 

> Is this an intended outcome of the Harmony module design?

Please read the proposal page.


It's all there: static scoping, orthogonality, etc.

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