Yep! By making modules static, we introduce much cleaner ways of sharing 
constants. Responding to Claus in a sec...


On May 20, 2011, at 3:21 PM, Kam Kasravi wrote:

> This is sort of an interesting point. In a related question I've wondered 
> about how narcissus could use modules in lieu of 
> its current way of eval'ing definitions.const in jslex and jsparse in order 
> to get the operators, tokens and keywords in local scope
> for both the lexer and the parser. If narcissus were to take advantage of 
> harmony could jsparse, jslex do an 'import jsdefs.consts' as an alternative?
> From: Claus Reinke <>
> To: David Herman <>
> Cc:
> Sent: Friday, May 20, 2011 2:51 PM
> Subject: Modules first or second class (Re: I noted some open issues on 
> "Classes with Trait Composition")
> > I think "modules are a construct that evaluates to an object" is the wrong 
> > way to think about them. Syntactic modules are a second-class construct 
> > that is not an expression. You can reflect on modules at runtime, and that 
> > reflection is provided as an object, but that's because almost all compound 
> > data structures in JS are objects. But I would advise against describing 
> > modules as a kind of object.
> Just a note on this: for me, that means Harmony modules
> are a step back from what I can implement in JS/now. Not
> having first-class modules has been a major drawback in
> Haskell (which has a strictly 1980s-style module system),
> leading to all kinds of work-arounds. 
> One of these workarounds, which I expect to see and use
> a lot in Harmony, is to have first-class modules-as-records
> (or objects) inside second-class built-in-modules.
> Is this an intended outcome of the Harmony module design?
> For instance, I've got a parser-combinator library and
> a (near) ES5 grammar built on it, and to test, I pass one
> module to the other, and both modules to the tester:
>   test(source, options, pc, grammar(pc))
> Strictly speaking, the pc module also depends on the grammar module, for 
> grammar-specified whitespace,
> but cyclic structures are a bit awkward in Javascript.
> Claus
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