
Out of interest was a C++/Java style constructor considered, with the 
constructor name matching the class name?


On May 16, 2011, at 8:02 AM, Brendan Eich wrote:

> On May 16, 2011, at 4:54 AM, Dmitry A. Soshnikov wrote:
>> On 16.05.2011 10:49, Brendan Eich wrote:
>>> On May 15, 2011, at 10:01 PM, Brendan Eich wrote:
>>>> This looks pretty good at a glance, but it's a lot, and it's new.
>>> Looking closer, I have to say something non-nit-picky that looks bad and 
>>> smells like committee:
>>> Two kinds of inheritance, depending on the dynamic type of the result of 
>>> evaluating the //MemberExpression// on the right of ''extends''? That will 
>>> be confusing.
>>> Is the traits-composition way really needed in this proposal? If so, then 
>>> please consider not abuse ''extends'' to mean ''compose'' depending on 
>>> dynamic type of result of expression to its right.
>> Some simple examples of all use-cases would are needed I think.
>> Regarding `new` keyword for the constructor (aka initializer), after all, it 
>> als may be OK. E.g. Ruby uses `new` as exactly the method of a class -- 
>>,, etc. Though,  `constructor` is also good yeah.
> My point is not to bikeshed, rather (a) to name existing prototype properties 
> minimally, (b) to avoid preempting other names.
> Good, bad, or in between, the prototypal pattern in JS for constructor C 
> binds C.prototype.constructorr to C. It does not bind
>> Regarding two inheritance types, I think better to make nevertheless one 
>> inheritance type -- linear (by prototype chain). And to make additionally 
>> small reusable code units -- mixins or traits -- no matter. Thus, of course 
>> if they will also be delegation-based and not just copy-own-properties, then 
>> we automatically get a sort of multiple inheritance.
> Self has multiple prototypes and you can use them for all kinds of 
> inheritance patterns.
> Parents are Shared Parts...
> Organizing programs without classes
>> Delegation-based mixins though can be implemented as a library using proxies 
>> (example: 
>>  implementation: 
>> notice I also used :)).
> Proxies are too costly, though. They always have a handler full of traps. The 
> idea with classes is to capture prototypal inheritance as used today. The 
> idea with traits is to make composition flexible, with fast failure on 
> conflict and tools to rename around conflicts.
> Putting classes and traitts together should be doable but it shouldn't use 
> the same sytnax (extends) and it shouldn't require proxies.
> /be
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