Cheers Brendan.  I must say, I really like how the class sugar is coming 
together.  It seems that more closely matching a familiar syntax might make 
things a little more approachable for existing OO programmers, but I certainly 
see the elegance in using "constructor" directly.


On Jun 7, 2011, at 12:57 PM, Brendan Eich wrote:

> I'm not sure -- I wasn't in on the earlier design sessions among the 
> champions. I know "new" was used, but if we are sugaring prototypal 
> inheritance, we need something to create "constructor" in the prototype 
> (which is where method definitions written directly in the class body bind 
> their names).
> Having some backstage magic wire up "constructor" is possible but then you 
> have two names for the constructor. That is a wart.
> The bigger issue is that doing this preempts use of "new" as a prototype 
> property name (allowed by ES5).
> So to keep things simple, express the prototypal machinery already in the 
> language directly and explicitly, and avoid preempting "new", we've settled 
> on "constructor".
> The bigger issues with classes to close down include private instance 
> variable syntax and semantics, and static method s&s. Some followup work is 
> already under way here. We need to get this solid by the July TC39 meeting.
> /be

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