On Jun 30, 2011, at 3:47 PM, Brendan Eich wrote:

>> Statement:
>>    UnlabeledStatement
>>    LabeledStatement
>> UnlabeledStatement:
>>    Block
>>    VariableStatement
>>    EmptyStatement
>>    ExpressionStatement
>>    ContinueStatement
>>    ReturnStatement
>>    LabelUsingStatement
>>    DebuggerStatement
>> LabelUsingStatement:
>>    IfStatement
>>    IterationStatement
>>    BreakStatement
>>    WithStatement
>>    SwitchStatement
>>    ThrowStatement
>>    TryStatement

I forgot to move Block from UnlabeledStatement to LabelUsingStatement. You can 
label a block. It's something people do now for break to label. And with the 
revisions below, it does not create any ambiguity.


>> LabeledStatement:
>>    Identifier : Statement
>> WellLabeledStatement:
>>    Identifier : LabelUsingStatement
>>    Identifier : WellLabeledStatement
>> ...
>> If I have this right, then we could add a new production:
>> PrimaryExpression:
>>    Block
> This creates an LR(1) ambiguity, a shift-reduce conflict between shifting : in
> WellLabeledStatement : Identifier.: LabelUsingStatement
> WellLabeledStatement : Identiifer.: WellLabeledStatement
> and reducing on : lookahead via
> PropertyName : Identifier.
> under PropertyAssignment under ObjectLiteral.
> (The dots in the productions are yacc/bison-style cursors showing where the 
> parse is.)
> One easy fix is to "de-minimize" the PropertyAssignment grammar:
> PropertyAssignment:
>    PropertyName : AssignmentExpression
>    get PropertyName ( ) { FunctionBody }
>    set PropertyName ( PropertySetParameterList ) { FunctionBody }
> PropertyName:
>    IdentifierName
>    StringLiteral
>    NumericLiteral
> to look like this:
> PropertyAssignment:
>    IdentifierName : AssignmentExpression
>    StringLiteral : AssignmentExpression
>    NumericLiteral : AssignmentExpression
>    get PropertyName ( ) { FunctionBody }
>    set PropertyName ( PropertySetParameterList ) { FunctionBody }
> PropertyName:
>    IdentifierName
>    StringLiteral
>    NumericLiteral
> This works because the lookahead after : in this revised PropertyAssignment 
> and in WellLabeledStatement is disjoint except for { and that loops back 
> through the same paths, with the tie broken by a disjoint lookahead token, 
> eventually.
> Is this grammar refactoring worth the trouble? Making blocks be expressions 
> could be well worth it if we accept block-lambdas. Just for statements as 
> expressions, I'm not sure. Comments welcome.
> /be
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